
Sunday, June 24, 2012

145. WAR

Phew. I'm finally writing a post now. It's been weeks since I last post! :(

Well, I'm pretty busy? ;) Is that a valid answer?


Anyway, I kinda realised that blogging is like lonely? Especially if no one is reading your blog. It's like you are talking to yourself? In a loner way.....

Heeheehee! That's me and Ellis joking around in class! :D

Okay lah, I know it's lame but whatever! I was in Andrew's class (screenwriting) and was waiting for my turn(?)..... Wait wait, or was I waiting for the class to be over? Anyway, I was bored....

Actually, I lied. Charles and Tariq (plus Gerald) were posting photos on my wall.

At first, it was a friendly thing and then it got fierce!


"Hi back!"


"I'm too pretty to be true. Hehehehxz"

You see, we are trying to 'win'(?) each other which I ended up regretting. I shouldn't have posted that photo above. -.- Charles went to tag the people he remembered! :( HOGC people that I know, DF19 people and some other people as well. D:

I decided to 'fight back'(?) and post a nice photo of myself.

"I'm usually this pretty :("

They then IGNORE me! :( And then posted this photo:

"ohh nothing, just hanging out under water"

"and we are on the moonn!"

Trying to redeem myself, so I posted:


Okay, I think I really just wasted your time. Hehehe! Thank you for reading! ;)

To be honest, I don't even intent to blog about this at all and I don't know why I started writing this. Well, what's done is done. Goodbyexz! :3

Ellis&Heni! ;D

Last but not least, I shall give you a very memorable memory.

Heniception. Close enough.