
Friday, March 15, 2013

152. OOTD

Sunglass - Bugis Street
Wolf Top - Bugis Street
Black Acid Wash High Waist Short - Bugis Street
Bag - Taobao
High Cut Shoe - Bugis Street

Black Formal Top - Song&Song
Stripe Legging - Taobao
Shoe - Taobao
Bag - Taobao
Accessories - Bugis Street, Taobao, Far East Plaza

Now you can pretty much know where I shop; ❤BUGIS STREET❤!

Just thought of doing an OOTD post. Well, yeah, that's all! YAY! :3

PS: Excuse my face on the first photo (;´Д`)


Friday, March 8, 2013

151. Curry Chicken Wings & Kimbap

Hey lovelies! Recently, my 'chef' feeling popped out again thus, I been wanting to cook something. Since I always make Kimbap, Japanese's omelette, onigiri and bento boxes lunch, I thought why not try something new but easy to make? Since I'm not that expert yet. I'm still scared of splattering oil from the pan.

I always love to watch youtube videos and my favorite YouTubers for cooking channel are Cooking with Dog, RunnyRunny999, ochikeron and more.. They are all Japanese, yeah I know. Heeee, I like watching their YouTube video and make myself hungry in the middle of the night.

Since my elder sis intro me into 4 Fingers' chicken wings, I have been craving for chicken wings and luckily, I remembered watching RunnyRunny999's video on chicken wings so why not try it? :)

By the way, a disclaimer: I love drumsticks more than chicken wings but I don't mind eating wings. Why NTUC no sell chicken drumsticks?!


It was pretty good I say, maybe next time I shall make my own tutorial hahaha cos they are all Japanese based. Since I'm living in Singapore, there are some of items that I can't get and Japanese's groceries shops might be a little over the price (they are all imported, duh) so it's kinda difficult to cook some stuffs. Sometimes I search the net for things and they don't have it so why not next time I make a tutorial to get the things.

I shall make another post to about the ingredient for cooking the chicken wings so everyone in Singapore/Asia (If there is anyone to start with who is reading this blog) can see where I got the groceries from.

Even though I told myself that I should not cook something that I usually cook, I decided to make some Kimbap rolls too. I made around 4 rolls? The first 3 have too much rice. Actually not too much la, but if only I can reduce it more then confirm I can make 5 rolls ma. Next time, next time.

And here is the video if you wanna know how to make Kimbap. It's easy! :3


That's all babies! Love from Singapore! ❤


Saturday, March 2, 2013

150. Clothing Style

I don't really have any distinct style. What I know is that from young, I prefer to use something that is a little bit tomboy-ish. Hmm and I don't like to wear skirt at all. My mom was pretty worried because as a girl, I should like to wear skirt but no, I wore jeans all the time.

However, everything changes when I came to Singapore to study. From wearing only jeans, I wore shorts too. I wore shorts more than jeans honestly cos it's damn too hot in Singapore. It was better last time but due to global warming and stuff, it got hotter. Damn! Anyway, shorts are like a must item in my wardrobe.

Then, when I completed 'O' lvl, I don't seems to like to wear jeans anymore cos it's really too hot. Every time I wore one, I will become a rage monster. Angsty everywhere and anytime.

Luckily, I have been accepting to wear jeans again recently. Maybe I wore it half a day so it wasn't so bad. I shall try to wear it one full day next time. The only time I will wear jeans maybe during November to December only cos it's the only cooling months. Yes, I LOVE WINTER! Even if Singapore don't have it but I still consider it as WINTER.

Honestly, I think that my fashion sense improved over the years. I'm more aware of what I wear and I tend to think if what I wore looks good or not. However, what I usually wear is still very mainstream la. High-waist short plus top plus shoe or something else but it's usually something like that.

Also, since I'm in a design school, I though that I need to wear at least a little nicer. Even if the course I'm studying is not so design-ish. Okay la, somewhere in the middle. Mine should be under media lo. -_-"

What I wore for the day basically depends on: my mood, how late am I and if I have anything that I want to wear on that day. So if I'm really late, I just grab whatever I see. If I'm really very lazy, a tee and short is more than enough. If I want to wear something, I will find something to go with it until I'm gonna be late for my appointment/school.

I have a lot of places that I got my inspiration from. Some are from:

❤ 2NE1 ❤

I LOVE LOVE LOVE HEART HEART 2NE1'S STYLE! They are so freaking awesome. Not only I love their song and personality, I also love their style. How do I say? I think it's something that I always like? Tomboy-ish street style but have a tint of feminine feeling to it?


Another style that I recently like is SNSD's I got a Boy. I personally think their outfits are awesome and something that I have been wearing recently.

I have nothing else that I want to write. So, byeeeeee! :3