
Monday, April 29, 2013

154. A Short Holiday

Hellooooooo! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

How are you guys doing? To be honest, I don't think there is anymore people who reads my blog.....

Never mind! It's just gonna be my personal space where I write whatever I want... Wait, isn't that what blogging is about... (●__●)

Actually, you guys (if there is anyone who is reading this right now) should start a blog too! It's quite fun to see what you write when you look back. I confirm will laugh at what the hell I'm writing if I go find the 1st post in this blog! Confirm retarded writing! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ Hahahaha

Anyway, back to the topic! I recently (not recently anymore) went back to Indonesia! Like on the 9th of April till 13th of April! Yea, it's only 5 days... (´;ω;`) Even I, didn't find that 5 days enough to play around and eat all the delicacies! Even though I don't do a lot of things at Indonesia, it's nice to be able not to do anything or feel like there is nothing to do for awhile. Because I have been pretty occupied for the past 2 months from P3 to camp stuffs!

My Big Breakfast Deluxe ❤

I always order Big Breakfast Deluxe because I can't decide if I should choose to eat pancake or Sausage McMuffin! Thus, I ordered both of them (BBD) and in the end, I can't finish it. Heeee, talking about wanting to eat everything but can't.

The view from my house.

I certainly miss Indonesia because this time when I went back, I went around to take photo and take video at a wet(?) market. The wet(?) market in Indonesia is sort of different compared to Singapore's! I hope I can edit the video soon so I can upload it to show to you all! (。’▽’。)♡

I didn't have any photo from the wet(?) market was because it wasn't instagram-worthy, and also, I was too focus on talking video that I rarely touch my phone to take any nice photo.

Another view from my house.

I think it's because of my hair, I'm treated like a foreigner. I don't dress up during my stay because I have no one to impress? Hahaha, it's just a tradition that I don't dress up. I just wore whatever I have at Indonesia thus I don't actually bring any clothing back.

Talking about being treated like a foreigner, I also feel that I'm treated like some kind of idol. Because my mum works inside the wet(?) market, the people at the wet(?) market usually know that I studied in Singapore thus they always make a ruckus everything my sis and I visited the place.

In addition to that, I was holding a camera. So I'm like the ultimate foreigner idol? ლ(´ڡ`ლ) To be honest, I didn't like that feeling at first and that's one of the reason why I hate going back to Indonesia (I didn't like to be stared at which I'm always be stared at. Either because of my hair or I don't know why I'm being stared either. ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ) But after a few stares, I became used to it and just ignored it and do what I have to do.

Es Buah (Ice Fruit) - A combination of Shaved Ice with rose syrup and milk, in addition of grass jelly and other ingredients such as fruits.

Cup corn - Spicy BBQ

Whenever I went back to Indonesia, I will forever have this cup corn from near my house! It's somehow becoming a tradition! They have a lot of different flavors and this time I took Spicy BBQ. It was really spicy that even I can't handle it. -.-"

The view from outside the entrance of the wet(?) market.

A view from my rooftop.

Another view from my rooftop.

Last shot of view from my house.

It was sad for me to leave Indonesia because that's where my parents are. My mum always cry every time we part ways but I can understand how she feel. I have been crying since I was young till maybe around Secondary 3? After that I don't usually tear up unless I was really feeling emotional about leaving my parents.

It's not that I'm sad about leaving the nice relaxing time that I have at Indonesia, I'm sad about parting with my parents. I don't usually see them and sometimes we will quarrel about the very small little thing. But, it is really sad not being able to see them 24/7. 

To those kids who are staying with their parents: Treasure your moments with them! Even if you all quarrel, it's still nice to be able to see your parents even if you guys are quarreling! I have no one to quarrel you see, except for my sister who is living with me in Singapore.

A shot along the way to the airport.

Another shot along the way to the airport.

One of my friends asked me if I actually live at Kampong because of the 1st photo of along the way to the airport. Hahaha, I don't live at Kampong but my city is kinda mix of a city and a country side that's why there is so many land that is not used or being made into a padi land. Actually I think, it's because Indonesia got too much land until they left it abandoned because they haven't got a plan to do anything with it.

Flying back to Singapore!

Okay, I think this concludes my short holiday to Indonesia! ♡^▽^♡

I shall wrap up the whole post with a cute photo of me! Since I think this post is really lacking of my face.

Have a good day everyone! (´∀`)♡


Thursday, April 4, 2013

153. Ever changing post

Hello kitties! ❤(´ε` )

How are nyaaa? I have been really busy with school, as always.... (´;д;`)

When am I getting my deserved holidays?! *Mad*

Anyway, I recently just completed my P3 which means I have a long holiday now!!

Le Bernice and Le me after our P3. ☮ 

But but but, I joined DOC (Design Orientation Camp) for the 2013 batch means, I only have 2 weeks of holiday which is pretty much almost consumed by waking up late everyday.ヽ(´□`。)ノ I'm truly regretting it now. Why can't I just wakes up on time so that I can start my day earlier?ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ

Admin with full power! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

Okay, I put too much emoji le. I shall stop putting it.

Let's get back to the topic..... To tell you the truth, I still don't know what to write in this post. Le sigh........ (´ Д ` )

Hmm! Suddenly I thought of a nice thing to write! Why not talk about my ever changing fashion food kpop youtube videos what I have been watching recently? Whenever I'm bored, I always go to youtube to watch some shows/videos. But I don't really have anything to watch now cos those that I want to watch, I have watched them already.. *Sad face*

Well, I still can show you some of the videos that I watched and it's nice! :3

*Note: This one below is a little scary*

For the second video, do you get what's going on? I didn't really get it until one of my friends told me what is going on. Haa! But I really like the feel of the video, like the video really got the feel. I don't know how to explain. Talk about being a film student. Haaaa! ;P

I don't really have anything else that I want to write cos I really have nothing to write..

What.. A.. Sad.. Life.. I'm.. leading.. (/□\*)・゜

See you next time! ❤(´ε` )