
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

155. Design Orientation Training Camp

Hello kitties! (´∀`)♡

How are you going to spend your one-day holiday today? I hope you are making a full use of your holiday because it's a long awaited finally a holiday is here for me. I'm happy whenever I have a one-day holiday such like my lecturer cancel his/her class because we, poly students don't have much holidays to begin with. Wait, I mean Temasek Polytechnic Design School students don't have much holiday to begin with. I think I have said this many times before, our schedule is totally different from other school and because of that, we usually only have around a month worth of holiday instead of 2 freaking months! 。゚(゚ノД`゚)゚。How could they robbed our holiday from us?!

*Wipes tears* Since I'm used to it, I shall ignore it. I'm a freaking year 3 now! HOEMAIGOD!! Can you believe it? It felt like yesterday was the first of my poly life!! Everything is moving way too quick! I miss those times, man. It's so funny if those 2 good years are filmed down. There were good and bad times! (´;ω;`) I can totally remember how the first day I entered the class and stuff! Hahahaha!

Anyway, moving on, this for this year's DOC (AY13/14), I joined the famous camp of my school (Design Orientation Camp aka DOC). I was quite bewildered that I got in because I didn't think that I could get in. But I'm glad that I got in, seriously.

Okay, let's be honest for awhile. It's gonna take quite long for me to type down the whole feeling that I got when I got accepted into DOTC (the 'T' means training).

This is how it began:

(・_・ヾ At first, when I got in, I was really happy because I didn't got in last year and I felt sad about it. However, my joy wasn't that far lived. I mean literally. Within seconds after I knew that I got in, my closest friend, Bernice, didn't got in even though she got in last year. I was feeling sad and I didn't really feel like going for the camp anymore. Because, I thought that it won't be fun without my dear friend. Still, I need to go for the camp because the head of my department, Joelle, is my classmate and one of my friends, Albinia, got into the same department with me. Wait, let me get this clear first. I'm happy and glad that my friends, Joelle and Albinia are inside the camp but without Bernice, it felt that something is off and like the saying, the more the merrier right? So never mind, let's get Bernice out of the picture now and continue with my story.

One more thing to clarify, I still went for the camp not because I felt forced but I felt that it was necessary for me to go. It's like they chosen me out of how many people and I can't make them regret choosing me right? I don't really know how to say but if I need to go means I need to go. Never mind if you can't get me. Okay, moving on to my story. I was having my short holiday (December holiday; which I was seriously looking forward at that time as like I said earlier in the post, we design kids don't usually have lots of holiday) and the first camp; DOTC1 was during that week. It was a 4D3N camp if I'm not wrong.

I was not feeling the camp feel already and it was my precious holiday plus my other friends were enjoying and teasing (in a joking way) me how many more days of holiday they got because they are not a part of the camp. Thus it made me feel more meh about the camp. ヘ(>_<ヘ) I really felt like skipping the camp or dropping the camp but my heart (somehow or another) told me to still go for it because I already got inside the camp.

Disclaimer: I know that I'm going to write quite a while so please watch the video below first.

This is the story of our camp. Each year, they will have their own story. 'Giza' was last year's camp theme. Our theme this year is 'Magma'.

*Translation* - Just in case you don't get the story

'Giza' is the camp last year, the reason why they talked about 'Giza' is because they were telling how successful the 'Giza' camp was and the people of the 'Giza' during the drought were us, the people in camp. The journey back in time and getting along with the dinosaurs were the training camps that we have, trying to get the whole camp right for the freshies. The tablet that we need to get is the Best Spirited Award Trophy that we had it for 4 years. Thus, wanting to continue our legend, we want to win the award. With only our strength, we can't win the award thus we need help from the new born babies which are the freshies.

P/S: I hope my translation is correct! Teehee!

Continuing from my feeling from above that got cut by the video......

During the first day of the camp, I was quite late thus I came like just in time before the whole camp started. It wasn't a good feeling overall because I'm in a department and departments don't really get to mingle with the freshies. To make you all clear, there are departments (Admin, Welfare, Medic and etc), GLs (Group Leaders and they are the one making the most contact with the freshies) and Programmers (the one who facilitate the games). I'm not touching the heads because it's gonna get confusing. To sum it up, I really think that I got into a quite boring place. However, as the camp goes, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I talked to a lot of people from year 3s to year 1s and they are all nice people which make the whole camp a lot better.

Thus I rate the camp: 7/10
P/S: The reason why I summarised the whole camp is because I'm pretty much lazy to write every detail (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

Camp Lithos is the name for DOTC1! *Just click on the title of the video*

Not long after my P3 ended, just like the week after it end, I have my DOTC2! I really gotta say that this camp was much better but to be honest, there was a tension between the GLs and departments. Because the GLs are always together and their size of people are like thrice of us, they automatically without knowing, go by themselves even in cheer so I kinda felt that the departments are left out. I felt that only during this part that it really was bad. It's the source of all our happiness?

I rate the camp: 8/10 without including the 'tension(?)'
P/S: I skipped a lot of thing here too because I don't think there is anyone going to read this blog and bother about my feeling towards the camp... (´A`。)

Camp Piir ('Piir' means compass in some other language) is the name for DOTC2! *Just click on the title of the video*

The best camp is of course, the last camp - CAMP MAGMA!

Here is the teaser for the camp! 

Two weeks passed in a blink and it was already DOC week. The whole feeling of how I at first felt about the camp disappeared when the day0 arrives! I was filled with excitement about how the whole camp will go. Even though there were bad moments during the DOTC1 and DOTC2, I clearly can say that the good moments overpowered them! 

This is our night activity video.

Disclaimer: We didn't have night walk this year because there are many safety issues that we need to consider thus we have night activity instead which is 100 times less scary than night walk.

*Translation* - Just in case you don't get the story again

There are diseases that are spreading to the people living at the tribe(?) and the freshies are given 2 hours to revive the head of the tribe(?) by going through some station games (locating the saints which is the programmers) and piece the whole game together. By summoning the head of tribe(?), us, infected people will be cured one by one.

P/S: I hope my translation is correct again! Teehee!

Without further to do, I shall let you all watch the final video for DOC! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Whatever I felt during DOC is totally cannot be described. The tears of joy when we won the Best Spirited Award this year, the sweat that we have shed during the 6 months of preparation, the thought of when the year 3s are not a student of TP design school anymore when the school start and more. I totally had to say that #CAMPMAGMA teaches me a lot of things and I'm really grateful and thankful that I'm a part of the camp! 

This is shot in GOPro by Fauzee (mainly). *Just click on the title of the video*

I just got to say that I wasn't feeling emotional about the whole camp, not until the very last day. I'm sure that if the feeling that I got during the first DOTC was there, I wouldn't even tear for the year 3s that I didn't know of. It was because of DOC that I can cry for them. The feeling that I will also be experience again next year when I'm graduating.

The following videos are dedications to our year 3s who have work really hard for 3 years in the school and the camp! Thank you so much for everything! 

*Just click on the title of the video*

*Just click on the title of the video*

I sincerely want to thank all the people that I have met during the camp for making this camp a wonderful camp and something that I would never regret. If I can, I will definitely join the camp again next year. I just wanna say that if you are a freshie or a year 2 or a year 3 student, just try your luck and join the camp. If it's bad, then never mind. Just go and try the experience that you will never get if you never make the first move. Have lots of fun and I'm pretty sure that you will never regret it! Cheers! 

I rate this camp: ❤(ノ´∀`)100/10 


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