
Friday, September 23, 2011

106. Tattoo

To be honest, I really wanted to get a tattoo, seriously. I have been wanting to do it like maybe around Secondary 4? Like after O Levels. Of course, I thought about getting one like before I'm even Sec 4. I don't mean the tattoo like those colourful one, like those got flower and etc etc. I just like a simple one, maybe like words or a symbol? I wasn't sure of what I wanted to get since tattoo is like permanent and if you want to remove it, it's like damn pain. That's what I heard okay? ;x

You see, I have been wanting to do a lot of things like piercing 2nd earhole or 3rd or 4th. However, my family (yes, the big one) is like traditional and they don't like us (youngsters = nephews and nieces) to do this stuffs. Luckily, my parents are a little bit open minded so they at least accept us (my elder sister and I) dyeing our hair. But they don't like me to do other thing rather than that. So don't think that since I'm living oversea, I can do a lot of shit.

Back to the topic, ast time I thought of using my chinese surname since I got my chinese name even before my indonesian name. However, I changed my mind a few weeks ago and I finally thought of what I want, which is this:

Yes, what I wanted was a barcode tattoo and no, it's not my wrist even though I wanted it to be. Like I said before, tattoo is something that is permanent and thinking about it, I want to get a tattoo that I won't regret later on. Thus I have decided that I shall tattoo my birthday since I won't be able to change that right?

Sometimes, I wondered if I will ever regret if I get a tattoo and I think I will regret it someday. I don't know how to explain this but I'm very sure that I will regret it later on. Thus, I came out with a great idea which is to get a temporary tattoo. I did it before like around when I was entering Secondary 3? The stupid thing was that I did it when I'm at that age. I have school and I still did that. -.-

Moving on to another topic, I'm sure that most of you should have known by now that I really like rilakkuma since I said it at the 'About Me' part at the right corner there. I have been wanting one so I think when my sister go to Korea, I will ask her help me buy that or just a piro piro doll. I want to bring it like everywhere I go (overseas). I don't care if you call me childish or what but I want a freaking doll.

Rilakkuma :)

Piro Piro, excluding the dog :)

I actually need to confess something but I think I will save it for another time. It's a really bad confession and now, somehow, again, my phone hanged and a screen of a program like those blue screen that came out when you switched on your computer, appeared. My guess is that my phone is going to die soon and it's telling me to be prepared?

One last thing before I'm going to sign out, I'm going for a class bbq later which Ellis predicted to be fail which I kind of agree too even though I'm the one who organised it. Yeah, whatever I organised won't be successful lah. I'm the curse. I still got one more thing to say but I forgotten what so I shall post a video instead. Adios! :}

P/S: yes, pay me $100 now for letting you watch the video :9

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