
Thursday, September 29, 2011

108. Misses

To be honest, I was re-watching QiuQiu's Budget Barbie episodes cos I'm freaking bored. I have nothing to do, seriously. No work and no one to jio me out. Okay lah, I'm a loner. ;_; Actually, when I'm damn free, I have nothing to do for the whole day and when I'm damn busy, I will have a lot of things to do for that day.

Back to what I want to write about, I really misses shopping on cheap stuffs! Like you can get a lot of things within $50. ;_; I think after I worked, I started spending more(?) and I don't really check the prices before buying. Wait, that's a wrong term to use. I think it's more like I'm so into buying the thing that I really disregard the price of the thing. Someone, please save me! ;x

Honey Mustard Chicken Kebab, $14 (If I'm not wrong) only @ FatBoy's :}

Rosemary's version of Kebab! :D

Another one but this time is soup..

Just 2 days ago, I went to Everything with Fries to have dinner with Annabelle and Rosemary. I didn't know that Everything with Fries, JooJoo and Awfully Chocolate are from the same company. Hmm, now you know. I have been wanting to eat there since I'm addicted to the Earl Grey Tea. I think I posted it somewhere before. *checking in progress* I can't remember where so I will just ignore it.

Nutella milkshake! Damn good but after I found out what's inside it, I'm not going to buy it, I think. -.-

I can't remember what's the chicken name but it's fucking nice! :)

I think right, from today onwards, when I'm going out, I will bring my camera along! Especially when I'm going to dine at nice place to eat! Okay, that's all for now. I'm getting hungry since I didn't eat anything from morning till now. Time checked, 8.31PM.. ;_; BYEE! :)

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