
Saturday, December 31, 2011

131. Best and Worst

Hmm, this post was inspired by a question that I had from formspring.

So I thought, why not make a post of it?

Best Memories of 2011:

#1. I went for Super Junior's Super Show 3 and MAMA.

I didn't write a post about the Super Show 3 before but I did write a post about MAMA.

#2. I got accepted to Temasek Polytechnic, went for DOC, Italian class and CCN Day.

Glad that I met nice people from DOC and I have great classmates.

#3. The old happy times when I worked at FatBoy's fighting the war with Rosemary, Annabelle, Elaina, Joy, Ethel and my sister.

I missed those times when FatBoy's were super busy and we all managed to fight the war by ourselves without any supervisor and bosses!

Worst Memories of 2011:

#1. Being super nervous for Italian class' group project which I felt that I pulled the group down.

#2. Scolded at FatBoy's by the kitchen staffs.

#3. Got some sucky people for group works.

To be honest, I can't remember all the memories that were bad. I just have a bad memory, I guess? ;x

I know this is not a part of this post but I prefer this kind of fashion show rather than those quiet and serious type of fashion show. This kind feel like it's more fun and interesting. Okay, goodnight! :D

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