
Friday, December 2, 2011

125. MAMA 2011

The awesome lights! ;_;

Like the post title said, it's all about MAMA 2011 which was held in Singapore Indoor Stadium, yesterday. I went for the awards ceremony and I'm going to rant everything.

I just happened to woke up around 3PM on that day and then I went to bathe and everything. When it was almost 4PM, I then saw 'Channel U' was trending on twitter so I click it. The newest tweet said that they will be airing the red carpet for MAMA at 4PM. I was kind of taken aback and then had this imagination that the red carpet will be crowded with people and kinda give up at going there early. However, when I turned on the TV, my whole imagination of the red carpet was destroyed right after I changed the channel to Channel U. I don't mean bad but in my mind, I was thinking: "What the hell with that damn shelter?!"

Anyway, that was my first time turning on the TV after days, weeks, months and years of not watching TV... Wait, cancel the years part. Anyway, at first I wanted to wear heels but in the end, I didn't and headed to Indoor Stadium at around 5PM. By the way, I took cab since I'm damn lazy to take bus and mrt to there. I reached there at around 5.30PM and my sister was not there yet. Rosemary, Vivian and Do Young got the premier ticket so they were inside Indoor Stadium already and at that time, we didn't know if we can go out of the place once you go in.

So I waited for my sister until 6.10PM. I was damn frustrated as I could heard screams from inside as the awards started around 6PM and I think you were supposed to be inside by 5.45PM there. In the end, I went in without my sister but before I go in, I asked the person who was about to tear my ticket if I could go out again and he said can but I must remember to take a 'chop'. When I first went it, Simon D was performing with Dynamic Duo. The performance is damn nice lah but I can't concentrate since I kept thinking about my sister. Then when I got to my seat, Simon D's performance was ending. I wanted to put his performance video here but I can't find it at youtube.

At first, my sister told me that she would be half an hour late but in the end, she came like around 7PM. Lucky I went in first if not I would miss a lot of things. And the thing that I'm regretting was that I forgotten to borrow zoom lens from my friends. I only remembered that after I sat down. -,- Sad life, totally. So I think I won't be posting any photo since I don't have any clear and near photos of them.... To be honest, I'm just too lazy to see the photos one by one and upload them since there are like 300+ photos. Sorry guys! :(

Simon D with Dynamic Duo! XD

The scene where Hyuna took away my Hyunseung's lip! ;( *cry cry*

Song Joong Ki!!! Please return to Running Man!! D:


I was so surprised by the 100 backstage dancers! :D

2NE1 performing! :} YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!

Awesome audiences! :)

There were a lot of performances and only 2 performances that really leave a deep impression to me. First was 2NE1 and Super Junior. Actually I also like Simon D's performance but I can't find his performance video. ;_;

After the awards, my sister and I headed to the airport to see them off. A few of our friends told us they will be taking VIP route so there would be no way that we could see them. However, I told my sister that I still wanted to go and then she accompanied me. So when I reached there, it was around 10.45PM and the TV showed that there were two korean flight and they were 11PM and 1.30AM flight. Since I couldn't get to see the 11PM, we thought we should just go back I bought a drink from Starbucks. But then, after getting a drink, we went to eat at 'SOUPerlicious'. I would say that the food were not bad.

Forever my favorite, Caramel Frappé! :}

Quite cosy if you ask me! :}


The salad that I ordered~

And the wrap that I ordered~

Combine the force! :D That's my proper food from breakfast till supper.

It was around 12.30AM and then we decided to go back home. After I reached home, I looked at the trending words at twitter and then I saw someone tweeted a photo of SNSD at the airport at around 12.45AM! I was like super disappointed cos it's only 15 minutes difference!! I don't know if the tweet was reliable or not... But but but but, I shall just take it that it was true! :( Okay, I shall end it here. Goodnight! :D

P/S: Until now, I'm still having the withdrawal symptoms. ;_; Liling also having it! LOL

P/S 2: Simon D, I'm in love with your voice! Can I please please marry your voice?

P/S 3: I just realised that I like singers with unique voice! :)

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