
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

123. Chicken Wings

Okay, this post was supposed to be posted like a few weeks ago but I forgotten to post it. I'm kind of a bit too lazy to edit the words so I will just leave it as it is. #Lazymodeon

I have been craving to eat chicken wings that I used it for the title. I want to eat the chicken wings from Everything with Fries, East Coast Park hawker and.... Yeah, that's all. Can't remember of any place that serve good chicken wings.

At Diyanah's house for a shoot assignment 3.

Last Thursday, I mean yesterday the yesterday, it was the last day of Italian class and I'm super duper sad. It was damn fun for the past 1 month even though there is no 'no class' for the whole module. Everyday, class starts at 6PM and for the first week, we ended around 9PM. It was tiring but there was dinner + supper with DF18 peeps who had night class as well. After the first week, the class ended around 8.30PM and lesser. Pretty happy since I had more time to do my Italian homework.

The last assignment for Italian was "Role-play" and I partnered up with Marcus. Our script is damn short but funny(?). We used the names from our homework book which were the famous "Stefano" and "Jessica". Even though "Sofia" was used more often, but "Jessica" left more impression on us since Riccado said something about "Jessica". It's an inside joke(?).

To be honest, we used google translate since we didn't know how to translate the English words to Italian. We tried to change it again after seeing the google translate words. In the end, we shorten the stuffs more since Marcus got really a lot of lines.

At the library with my handmade mustache.

Bernice and me! :}

Bernice Seah solo shot part 1.

Bernice Seah solo shot part 2.

Bernice Seah solo shot part 3.

If you are wondering why I made that mustache, I shall tell you why. I had a role-play to do for my last assignment for Italian class and my partner was Marcus. We wanted to do a simple and funny skit so we decided to change our gender. Marcus became a female and I became a male.

Marcus, Amanda, me and Bernice.

Bernice, Mr. Sexy Mustache and Amanda.

Everyone in the class was super nervous and we were all anxious if we could do everything right. I was the third one to go and it went well, I hope. I think the funniest skit was Norman's and Fauzee's. I don't think you will find it funny if I wrote it down but I shall just write it down still. Those people taking Italian CDS next time, please do not copy the storyline kay! It's copyrighted by Norman and Fauzee! :}

The story starting by this guy reserving a table for two, him and his girlfriend, at an Italian restaurant. However, when it was the time of his reservation, he just broke up with his girlfriend so he ended up going there alone (while crying). The waiter took him to his seat and asked him what he want to order. Even though it's an Italian restaurant, he still got the cheek to order Singapore foods such as satay, ice kacang and etc. The waiter got a little bit annoyed but still serve him. Later on, the guy ask the waiter for the direction to the toilet. And when the waiter finish explaining to him, he asked the waiter to personally direct him to the toilet. Being angry, the waiter smiled and direct him to the exit instead.

Some of the students from Italian class and the guy behind me is Riccado.

I'm sorry but I still can't remember all their names. ;_;

The best class ever! :D

Somewhat a candid shot? :)

I think most of us feel sad cos we had fun during the class. Even though I kinda dislike being called by my nickname during the class, I miss it now. Oh, for your information, my nickname is "The drunk one" and Riccado was the one who gave me that nickname. If not wrong, I was being fickle minded when telling Marcus the answer for a question and then Riccado heard me so he said "You drunk already ah?".

After the class, went to outside library to wait for Amanda. While waiting, met Azman and Leonard. Kept photoboothing non-stop. 

Top: Leonard & Azman. Bottom: Amanda and me with super flash on me.

Smile for the camera! :)

I have an ugly teeth. ;_;

Peace yo! :D

Like a boss.

I forgotten why I did that face.

Weird people do weird things?

Leonard, Amanda, Azman and I.

Virtually smoking like a mafia.

The usual sexy mustache Italiano guy. 

Amanda asked me to pose like this. Hahahaha! :)

Let's see how short I cut my hair.

Somewhat, the background seemed fake.

My facebook dp! :D

Afterwards, we all went to eat at Kopitiam except for Azman who had to dabao food to Kopitiam. Sorry Azman! I didn't know that Kopitiam didn't sell halal food! :( Went home and had a good rest (I think)! :)

The photos below are the overdue photos that I didn't manage to upload last time! ;_;

The button sticker that I got from Isabella dongsaeng! ;_; Thank you!! We exchange pepero as well! ^^/

The front sample of the cookie that we are going to sell during CCN Day.

The back view of the cookie.

You see, you must praise me now. Since I couldn't make it to go to Joelle's house to bake the cookies, Bernice and Joanna bought back a sample for me to try. However, I'm so nice that I broke that one small piece of cookie into 8 pieces so that the other students from DF18 who are inside T03 could taste the cookie as well. I'm so nice right? I know it also.

Roszali's farewell gift.

To tell you the truth, this is the most sincere gift that I ever gift. I'm being serious here. I mean I don't know why but I felt that this was the most sincere gift from our class even though only Joelle and me plus some other people who thought of giving this gift to Roszali.

Okay, gonna end it here! Goodnight everybodeh! Ciao ciao! ^^/

P/S: I think I fell in love with Joelle's handwriting as well. Hmm, mysteriously mysterious.

P/S 2: I have been sleeping later and later each day. This is not good for my body.

P/S 3: I feel that you don't really care about me anymore.

P/S 4: I don't understand my own feeling.

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