To tell you the truth, I was accepted to Republic Polytechnic and appealed to Temasek Polytechnic. I was somewhat sad and relief when I was accepted to TP. The sad thing was that I need to start over again to make new friends in TP as a lot of my friends are in RP and my sis is also in RP. However, after I went to the DOC and after a few days in my class, I never never never ever ever regret going to TP.
It was super fun and awesome (unless you are the unlucky one)! Even Saturdays and Sundays feel damn boring. I wished that I got school like 7 days in a week like that.
So why TDS and not other school like TBS (Temasek Business School) or TES (Temasek Engine School) or whatever school there are in TP? It's just simply because TDS is the most awesome one among all the schools.
Alright, TP has 6 schools - IT, HSS (Humanities & Social Sciences), Applied Science, Business, Design and Engine. Firstly, Design is damn unique so we have an education system that is different from the rest of the schools. We called it 'BLOCK'. Basically, each 'BLOCK' is 4 weeks also means 1 month. In this 1 month, you will either have one or 2 class(es)/module(s) and each is only 3 hours. You will only concentrate on one subject in each class/module. At the end of the month, you need to hand in a final assignment which is something like FYE (Final Year Examination).
If you don't get it, I shall explain it in simpler form so if you understand what it means, skip to the next paragraph. Let's just say one class/module is like a subject. For example, English. So you only will concentrate with only English in one month and after you completed in one month, you doesn't need to take it already for a year. Cool huh? :} If you still don't get it, just come to TDS and you will understand what the fish I was typing about. I didn't get it at first but after I experienced it, I finally understood what the fish it was about.
Secondly, TDS is always the first one to start the trend (just take it this way). All the other schools will keep saying that what we wore is fishing weird but after awhile, they start to wear it as well. We coloured our hair like some weird people but we don't give a shit about what others say. Each of us have our own sense of fashion. I guarantee you, during the DOC (Design Orientation Camp), you 100% feel like colour your hair.
Thirdly, this year, it will be the 3rd consecutive win that TDS had for The Best Spirited Award during our Olympic thingy (something like Sports Day). It wasn't easy to get your year 1s to be high and we actually had a 4 days camp. Just imagine during the 4 days, we were shouting non-stop and 99% of us were having sore throat during the Olympic thingy. Some more, during the 1st day of the DOC, I still can remember clearly that we, the year 1 students were super not enthu. When all the Group Leaders are cheering like mad, we were thinking: "What the fish they are doing sia?!" Can you just imagine how much effort is put in for this camp? During the 4 days, they could make us from emo to enthu! And on the Olympic thingy, we were cheering like there is no tomorrow even though we have no voice and having sore throat.
Fourthly, TDS is just awesome. I wanted to post the videos about our guide rules but I can't find it on YouTube so I just gonna post what I found in YouTube. Here are the 2 videos that I can find:
Camp Ohana 2011 from Kang Ling Teo on Vimeo.
The whole package of DOC
Regatta (something like cheerleading?)
Awesomeness! ♥