Shots by LMFAO feat Lil' Jon
Shots shots shots shots shots shots
shots shots shots shots shots
shots shots shots shots shots
Shots shots shots shots shots shots
shots shots shots shots shots
shots shots shots shots shots
I can't forget about this song sia! Design school also uses the same rhythm to make a cheer. It goes like:
"Sketch sketch sketch sketch sketch sketch
paint paint paint paint paint paint
shoot shoot shoot shoot and print,
Sketch sketch sketch sketch sketch sketch
paint paint paint paint paint paint
shoot shoot shoot shoot and print,
now no money"
Awesome right? I don't know how the hell they can come out with that but I'm pretty sure Design School is the one to come out with that song since we sketch, paint, shoot (photo & video) and we print. The only thing that I don't get it is that why did HSS used this cheer as well.. -.-
Moving on, I'm still not able to post about Design Orientation Camp (Day 1 to Day 4) and First day of school & O'SM dinner together even though I promised to post about this earlier.. I promise that I will post about it since I really enjoyed myself! :}
To tell you the truth, I think I can actually talk about the first day of school and O'SM dinner together now since I can summarise everything. HAHAHA! Alright man, I shall just say it here~ On the first day of school, I totally had bad luck and came really late for class. That's not all, I went to the wrong class TWICE! D: During the break, those people who attend DOC (Design Orientation Camp) has this activity which is FLASHMOB! :D
We decided that we will meet at the cargo lift there. We will first attack Design School Canteen then to the library. Grace, my GL (I will explain what is GL later on when I post about the DOC) was late so I had to rush from canteen to cargo lift again since I had to help her to pay her cab fare first. Run here and there but it was super fun! I mean including the flashmob as well~ Everyone was surprised and stunned, and the best thing is that we, Designers, are damn original lah! I don't think any other school did this before! :}
For the first day, I went to eat with O'SM and then met up with Bernice and Ellis later on before class starts. For those people who are like scratching their head now since you don't know who am I talking about, I shall formally explain them on another post so when I post that explanation thing already, I will give a direct link back to this post. I had my 2nd class and get bonded with the class by telling some ghost stories and etc. It was super fun! :D
Afterwards, I went to meet the O'SM people at the canteen before we head of to IKEA for dinner together. It was nice at first until the group was split into 2 which make it feels super weird. Took a lot of photos and then went around at IKEA before we decided to go off at around 10PM? We had dinner at around 7PM if I remembered it correctly.
My table's group photo! :}
From left to right: Brenda, Siewli, me and Joy
O'SM GROUP PHOTO (+Uriah at the back raising his hand)
Bye! ♥
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