
Sunday, May 1, 2011

62. I was

I was supposed to post about a lot of things but I don't think I will post it up soon. I think it will take me like 1 month or 2 months to post everything since I'm pretty busy nowadays. I shall share my dilemma with you guys since I'm kind. Firstly, I freaking need to do my student pass. It actually expires yesterday so basically, I have no right to stay in Singapore now and this means that I'm dead. Secondly, I need to hurry and give all the things that TP wants since I owe them like freaking long ago and I think because of this, they don't want to give me matric card so I had to trouble my friends.. Thirdly, I need to pass my friend's guardian a souvenir which I was supposed to give today but I was pretty busy so I totally forgotten about it till the last bus ended. -.-

Moving on, I shall talk about the least words since I was supposed to do my homework but I was too lazy and I was supposed to clean my house but like I said, I was too lazy to do it.. Hmm, I shall talk about my class since I can summarise it into one word which is AWESOME! :) Seriously, my class is like super fun! At first we were like super anti-social and we have like our own small groups but I guess time helps? :}

If you are a friend of mine on facebook, just look at the photos from: and if you are not a friend of mine on facebook, too bad. I'm anti-social! :}

I'm not that bad so I shall post some photos and let them do the talking! :D A picture speaks a thousand words remember? :D

I think I accidentally deleted a photos so let me count it.. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9...... Yup, I think it's correct. Hopefully I didn't delete any photo! :/ Before you start think that my class is super small, these people are like half of the actual class number! My class have 23 24 students! And these awesome people are the people that I could (forcefully) grabbed before they went off to do something else! :) Hahahah, they are damn nice okay?

Since I'm kind, I shall introduce the guys in my class so if there is any girls out there want to know them, I helped you somewhat by introducing their name.. So from the left to the right: Gerald, Danial, Takuya and Syafiq! :}

I shall make you guys puke by saying that I have sexy legs! HAHAHAHAHA :D
Me (left), Durga (middle) and Bernice (right)

I know I look freaking fat but who cares man, it's the moment that I care about! Seriously, after 5 days together with them, it was the first day that all of us ate together! Usually, I ate with Bernice and Ellis only but all of us went to eat together at KFC! :D

Okay, I got to do my stuffs so I will end it here! ♥
I will post more things next time and it will be about my class of course! Nights! :}

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