
Sunday, May 8, 2011

63. Remember Me

Okay, the tittle is super random since I was listening to f(x)'s Danger which goes like this:

"Remember me
I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger Pinocchio
Remember me"

You should check it out since I think it's pretty addictive? :} I'm not really a kpop fan now since I'm like too busy with my schoolwork.. Sad life right? :/ and since I'm talking about kpop, I think one of my teachers is a kpop fan since she kept relating all the things she talked about in class with kpop. LOL

Oh ya, I think my post nowadays is like super boring loh. I don't even think anyone is reading my blog anymore. Y.Y I need more readers! I don't care who you are from! :( Just read my blog and spread it to the world! :) Call me attention seeker or anything! I don't mind for now~ Well, I think I somewhat know why no one is bothered to even read my blog cos it's freaking dead! :x but but but!! My blog is better than my friends' lah! I at least make an effort to blog but them? Nonononono so I'm still better! :D Kekekekeke

Do you still remember that I owe ? If you can't, good for me.. If you can, good for you.. This shows that you have a good memory unlike me! :D I'm good at giving excuses, mannnnn! I still remember that time when I was at SV (Silicon Valley) Trip 2009 (I know it's fishing 2 years!), that I gave the fastest excuse when everyone just went blank.. Forget it since no one knows what the hell I'm talking about..

For now, I'm going to talk about the JAM&HOP! :D It's totally O'SM! Those who didn't go should just go and die have just lost 1/1000 of their life since they missed out the fun! :x It's like one of a kind thing? I don't know how to describe that's all.. It's uber fun and I can't explain it more than this.. -.-

There is Brenda, Azri, Max, Iggy, Sara, Joy, Siu Yen, Siewli and Chermaine.
Go find out who is who by yourself :)
They are from my sub emprire of O'HA called O'SM ♥

Since I'm very kind, I'm going to let everyone vomit till their heart's consent with this photo:

I'm pretty adorable right? :)

The awesome party! :D

I think everyone from Design School is going to agree with me for the next few things that I'm going to say.. We, designers, are a party animal! Everyday is like a club to us! We set the trend and everyone from other schools start to follow our style after saying whatever we wear as 'weird'! And we are super nice! Even though we don't know each other, we treat each other as a family!! OHANA ROCKS! ♥

I know the last sentence doesn't really match with whatever I posted on top but who cares man! I'm random and this blog is mine.. LOL


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