
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

121. Please be my baby

Actually, that's not the title that I wanted to use but I was listening to Wonder Girls' Be My Baby and that phrase just came out so I was just writing it down. Anyway, I think I'm going to write this really quick cos it's already 3AM and I have school later. The reason why I'm not asleep yet? It's because my clothes are still inside the washing machine. That's just an excuse. It's already done since like an hour ago or maybe 2 hours ago? Well, whatever.

Yes, I always tie my hair sideway when I'm working so that I will look cuter. I'm not lying.

Jalapeno Dynamites which is really a dynamites. I will not order this anymore.

Everyone's favorite, Honey Mustard Chicken Kebab.

You know, I just wish that I have this much of drinks inside my house.

Happy Birthday Maarcus Soh! My camera doesn't do any justice.

Original flavour + Fruity Pebbles at Frolick....

With Ern Quek. Shit, I can't remember is it spelt like that or not.

Korean pancake which my sister has been craving for.

It looks normal right?

But it doesn't look normal here.

The fish from above which is my dinner.

Add in the mushrooms.

That's my sister's and my meal on the study table for last Thursday. We no dinner table.

My lunch to dinner to supper on last Friday. See anything similar?

I don't know how my sister and I can eat on that table sia.

First, rice with some stuffs on top. I can't remember what the thing on top called.

Seaweed soup with mushroom. My favorite among all, I'm being serious.

Seaweed with un-cook portobello mushroom. Yes, un-cook.

Garlics Onions with soya sauce, vinegar and sugar. Too much onions and it tasted like onions.

I can't remember what fish is that.

The korean pancake again but I honestly say that the previous one was nicer.

My sister's lunchbox.

Is it just me or what but the lunchbox shape does look like Keroro?

My failed products which I still haven't wash yet.

Lunch from work. I blog the photo before but I'm too lazy to give a link. If not wrong, it's the 119th post.

My nails now. Yellow, white and red crack. Awesome. I did it myself kay?

I was so bored that I did this during working hour.

Gonna draw this for my Italian notebook.

Gonna add that emotion as well.

Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo Heni.

I was seriously bored that I even played bingo with Firdaus. I won okay! Played 3 times and I won twice! :)

Your usual transexual(?) Italiano neighbor.

Was craving for caramel frappe for 2 days and I finally drank it yesterday! :)

Tariq going crazy.

I'm an apple fan, yo.

Tariq. I have nothing to say, truly.

Been craving for this as well! Grassjelly milk tea and I drank it yesterday as well! :D

Was about to go meet Alicia Ly and I saw this.

Damn nice right? If only I have an itouch, can edit edit it a little bit but it's nicer if it's natural, right?

My forever mahalo. Even Claire asked me to eat something else.

Pineapple, pork patty, sesame bun, caramelized onions, cheese and a sauce. I can't remember. 

Ate so much for the past one week. Gonna get fat again even though I have been trying to lose weight. This is just a sad reality. It's 3.31AM now. Yay! I blogged quite fast today. Gonna hang my clothes and sleep! Will do my Italian homework tomorrow. I mean the left over one. The one that I didn't know. Gonna ask Marcus for help, I guess?



P/S 3: I'm currently addicted with downloading itouch/iphone apps even though I don't have either one right now.

P/S 4: I've been sleeping late for these past few days, need to sleep earlier!! ;_;


P/S 6: Jieru is like the master of Samsung phone sia! :)

P/S 7: There is a P/S 8.

Goodnight! :S

P/S 8: I hope you don't have a nightmare now.

Bye bye byom! :} Sleep well everyone! :D

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