
Monday, November 14, 2011

122. I'm falling

I wanted to blog on 11.11.11 but I was so busy with school that I didn't have time to write. First of all, I want to say that some of my friends are changing. Not physically but personality-lly? I miss the time that we spend together but you got your new friends so you changed(?). I talked about it to someone and that someone agrees with me. Not gonna say who is it since revealing the name would be revealing who are those friends.

Saturday morning. It's freaking 7AM plus.

I had to shoot for my assignment 3 so we (Joanna, Amanda, Farhain and me) went to Joanna's uncle's house to shoot. Then her uncle and friend helped us act. Farhain's friend also helped to act. Thank you so much!! :) We took like 9 hours to shoot cos we happened to be very suay? Not gonna write it as I said all the suay-ness to a lot of people already.

Everyone was late so I sat at the staircase at first.

Wanted to find somewhere else to sit and I saw that long thingy(?).

When I turned to the right, I saw this seats from afar. So I sat here in the end.

Shooting in process.

My first meal of the day and it was around 3PM plus?

Thanks to Joanna's parents for sending me to White Sands and even offering if I want to eat dinner with them! :) I took bus 12 to Siglap and then took bus 16 back home. Nowadays, I don't sleep in the bus anymore but I was so freaking tired that I fell asleep like 6 or 7 times during the bus ride? Totally K.O since I woke up like around 5AM and I slept around 2AM? :/

Once I reached home, I just dropped on my bed and then the next thing I knew was that I need to un-silent my phone since I got a dinner date with Rosemary, Theresa and Annabelle at 7PM. I looked at my phone and it was 8.45PM. 7 missed calls and some texts. My mind wasn't clear at all so I was still staring at the screen of my phone. Suddenly, I came back to reality and then called Annabelle. Rushed towards the main gate and waited for awhile before they fetched me. Headed towards ECP and we ate our breakfast to supper food. Afterwards, we went to Sunset Bay to drink.

The wanton noodle is damn fucking good! :D

Our meal. Round 1.

Our meal. Round 2.

Our meal. Round 3.

Our finished product. Yippie.

A nicer and clearer shot.

Rose and Annabelle.

Annabelle (right) and Rosemary (left).

Ro-se-meh-ry, Kim Go Eun! :)

Our drinks at Sunset Bay! :}

My drink. I forgotten what's the name.

Annabelle, me, Rosemary and Theresa! :}

Rose and me.

Annabelle and me.

Rose, Annabelle and I.

Mehmeh and Rossy! :}

We at Sunset Bay! :}

Theresa and I!
The original dragon and 'smoker-look-alike-face'.

Annabelle's and my 2 dragon friends.

Keyed in wrong order so I had to eat this for brunch. -,-

Our brunch - burger, burger and burger.

Jayden! The only source of happiness at my workplace.

Too tired so I was squatting.

Dinner from my workplace.

My lovebites. Love at first bite.

These past few days, I had a lot of thinking. Like stuffs. So far, I only told 2 people about the meaning of the title of this blog. Not exactly I that I told them but I got tell them the source of the title post? Not gonna reveal their names since it will bring danger to me? Alright, gonna go do my project work now. Bye everyone! :}

Original by Brown Eyed Girls.

Cover by Nadhrah! I think at some point, they sound the same!

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