On the 30th of March, I went to watch TPDE Gem 7! TPDE stands for Temasek Polytechnic something something? Dance Evolution or something? I don't know but it's about dance. Gonna ask Dawn what does 'TPDE' stands for, one day! Gem 7 is the production name if I'm not wrong. I'm just guessing what they stands for so I can't guarantee that what I guess are correct. I gonna ask Dawn this as well. -.-
Grabbed this from Dawn's Facebook. She took the photo so safe to use it? :D
Dawn and Faris are inside and they gonna perform for Gem 7 so I thought why not go? Each ticket cost $15 and the performance is held at Auditorium(?). By the way, I just checked the pamphlet and TPDE actually stands for Temasek Polytechnic Dance Ensemble. Anyway, I went to watch it with Junyuan only since Dawn could only managed to get 2 tickets as we two are the first two people who paid for it before the tickets were distribute. The reason why the rest didn't go was because Dawn couldn't get more ticket as there were many other people who were chionging to get the ticket as well.
Believe me or not but it was a full house. For both 30th and 31st of March. Yes, both days. 500 people (if I'm not wrong) for each days. Can you actually imagine that?! So many people want to watch the performance and there were more people who wanted to watch it but couldn't get the ticket on time such Asrap, San, Charles and more! Bleh, who asked you all to not give Dawn the ticket money! :P
One of the performances and I took it cos I saw Dawn! :}
I didn't take much photos and videos cos I was watching the whole time. And I didn't have any HD camera to begin with so everything that I took will be damn shitty cos they will be like moving all the time right? ;x The best thing was that after the performance ended, Dawn straight away went to hug me! Like she notice me first before her other friends! :') Feel super honored can!
There was this one performance and I saw Dawn smiling all the time. I asked her and she said one of the reason she smiled was because she saw me! Yay yay yay! Hohohoho she is in love with me!! Hahaha, nah, I just made it more gua(?) chang(?)? Like more exaggerate. She notice me first because I sat the nearest to the stage and she smiled for everyone? LOL I feel so pathetic after writing that. Anyway, my hair is a super giveaway loh. A girl with a blonde hair sitting in the middle of the auditorium. Me loh. Who else? :D
After that, we went to find Asrap and San who were waiting at outside library. Qiyan came afterwards since he was with the production crew to help with the performance. It was already 10PM and we were damn hungry so we went to Sempang first. Charles was already waiting at Sempang with Benedict (his church friend). We told Dawn to take cab to find us (we agreed that we gonna chip(?) in money for the cab but in the end, Dawn paid it by herself -.-).
Dawn and I! ♥
Me, Dawn and Junyuan (unbuttoned his shirt cos he was feeling too full after meal).
Nah, he is just fat. LOL.
Back row (left to right): Qiyan, Asrap, San (trolling?) & Charles (half of his face got covered by Dawn's bun)
Front row (left to right): Junyuan, Dawn & me.
My polaroid photo but grabbed this from Dawn's Facebook. 2 couples. Asrap, Dawn, me and Junyuan.
Left side (top to bottom): Benedict, me, Junyuan and Dawn.
Right side (top to bottom): San, Charles, Qiyan and Asrap.
Have a good rest and I just realised that this Friday is a Good Friday which means public holiday? Gah, not in secondary school anymore so my holiday calendar is totally messed up! :(
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ♥