
Friday, April 8, 2011

56. Unfairness

It seems that the world isn't a very fair place for most of us. Seriously, I get a lot of bad lucks and I complained to Rosemary about one of them just now since she got the fairness that I always wanted. Rose, you know what I mean! :/ Moving on, I really in love with Anna Sui products. Firstly, their design is freaking awesome! Secondly, their perfumes do not make me headache. Since I don't like really strong perfumes, Anna Sui is totally the one for me. Thirdly, I never try their beauty products before but they look OHMYGOSH! :D

I'm gonna buy all their perfumes once I got the money to do so! Wait for me Anna Sui!! But I hope they come out with a new scent soon so that I can buy it! I got the forbidden affair, I gave the Night Of Fancy to Do Young and Flight Of Fancy to Rosemary as their birthday present. I really like the Night Of Fancy though! It's totally my type of smell! :) Well, I like the perfume Ethel always uses (I forgotten what is the name but I think it's from Calvin Klein) and also Viva La Juicy. Anyway, talking about money, I think I got a lot of things that I want. All are like super expensive stuffs - DSLR, iPad2, digital camera, perfumes, clothes and etc..

While I was looking through QiuQiu's blog, I saw a freaking thing that I'm really upset with! :( At first, I was on night shift for this coming Saturday but Ethel and Rosemary are working in the morning afternoon shift, so I thought why not I work in the afternoon shift as well. Quite fun what, with Ethel and Rosemary. Can bitch about people (MUAHAHAHAHA! I'm evil man!) and also joked around.. However, I saw this coming Saturday, Nuffnang gonna have an event and QiuQiu gonna be one of the people that gonna help. I was quite interested in what she gonna do but when I see the timing and the date, I was freaking sad!

It's like what the hell lah! Why must it be like this? It's like so unfair! D: Seriously! Why can't they extend it like until 10PM or something? Or start earlier like from 10AM? Why? Seriously why?!

I shall stop whining and hope that people who read this blog or even see this event thing will go for this! Help those people from Japan! :) Be a kind person and help those in need! Every good deed you do, there is always a repay for it. I don't know the correct sentence so I created it myself. Even though I regret that I'm not able to go, please go okay? :D

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