
Thursday, April 14, 2011

60. Mascara

Before I talk about mascaras, I'm gonna compliment myself for cleaning my messy table! :) It took me a few hours including the time I use to reply people on Facebook and Twitter! :D

Before and after! :)

I know that there is not much difference but it takes a lot of effort to clean it okay! :( I tried really hard to clean. Okay lah, not that hard but I did try to clean it to the best I can! :}

Moving back to the topic, I went out with Rosemary to Parkway since she had something to do there and after that, she was going to my house to help me clean all the messy stuffs. Ate at Sakae Sushi again (I don't know how many times have I went there for this year -.-) for dinner. I really hate them because of their 10% service charge and the GST! Every restaurant should be like FatBoy's! No service charge and GST! :(

OH! Talking about Fat Boy's, I went back to school (Bedok Town Secondary School) to take my testimonial and had a tour with Jonathan and Ern even though we were not supposed to wander around the school.. Walked from the first floor to the 4th floor and met a few teachers from Chai Chee Sec. Talked to Ms Lim Boon Hwee and she actually went to FatBoy's before! :D However, she went to the Thomson branch and I told her that I'm going to work this Friday to Sunday.. Let's hope that she is going to go there and visit me! :)

Back to the topic, after dinner, we went to BodyShop for Rose's stuffs and then to Watsons. I regretted having the membership card! :/ I want to give back but I'm not sure if I can.. I shall try tomorrow! :) Since it's going to be a little boring so I'm going to fast forward (sumarise) them. Went to Charles and Keith and we like a wedges! It's damn nice but it's 15cm tall -.- So when we wear that, we will be like 180cm and I don't think any of our friends are that tall.. Then, we headed to Isetan to look at Anna Sui, face mist and mascara. Afterwards, Etude House and Cotton On! :D Before we leave, went to have desert at So Yogurt (I think it's called that)! :} Not only that the place is nice, the yogurt is nice as well! :)

That's the stuffs that I bought from Etude House.. I thought that it's gonna be boring without photos so I put that! :) I'm so considerate! :D I shall talk about mascara now. Just now I mentioned that I went to Watsons right? At there, I went to buy this Ultra-Volume Collagene from L'Oréal since I can't find the one that I wanted. I was finding a mascara that can rotate since I was influence from watching a video from Dawn Yang. I'm too lazy to explain how come I was watching her video so I shall just post you the video..

I can't remember what's the name and the sales person at Watsons doesn't even know that this mascara existed so she showed me some random mascara. In the end, I bought the Ultra-Volume Collagene from L'Oréal.. I actually wanted to buy another mascara since I'm a little tempted to buy it after trying it and I was so glad that I only bought one mascara! When I was looking around at Isetan, I remembered about Rosemary telling me that Dior have the mascara that I was looking for. So we went to look at the Dior shop and we found what I was looking for! I know the brand that Dawn Yang using is Ezee but Dior has almost the exact same thing! :}

When we were talking to the sales woman, all the mascara from Dior are damn appealing! I want to collect them all but the price is too -.- Thus, I thought of refunding the mascara that I bought from Watsons and buy the Diorshow 360 instead. Not a bad choice right? :} Btw, on the previous post, I talked about shopping at Haji Lane and I remember that I will take photo of the things that I bought.. But this time, it's not from Haji Lane, instead, it's from ArtBox.

I know that ArtBox is known for being a scammer since all the stuffs there are all expensive, and talking about scam, I have been scam for a lot of things! :( I shall list them down one by one next time! :/ This pouch cost like $15.90! D: I can actually buy a pouch like this for $5 and it's good quality kind. Feel damn cheated lah! T.T

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