
Saturday, December 10, 2011

126. In Touch

I just realised that I don't keep in touch with all my friends from oversea. It's just that it's difficult to keep in touch with them because I don't know what to talk about? We like live entirely a different life and even if I talk to them about my problems or my life in Singapore, they won't even get it cos they don't know who I am talking about or where is the place that I am talking about.

The first victim is my best friend from Indonesia, Veronica. I know her since Primary 1 and we like super BFF? Or maybe more like a sibling? We go almost everywhere together, bathe together (yes, please don't let your imagination run wild), play together, eat together, go church together (I was somehow forced?) and let's see what did I do with her? Hmm, can't remember liao. Basically, I'm almost with her for every week? It was a habit of mine to go to her house after church. Eat, play, shit and etc then go back home. Oh! We also had the same tuition together. Cool huh?

The second victim is Sukanya who is currently living in California. She is like the first friend (if I'm not wrong) I made when I entered Primary School in Singapore! She is not the first person I talk to when I enrolled to Primary 3 but she is like really my first friend. Actually, I can't remember if I befriend Sukanya first or Stella but I have a feeling that I befriend Sukanya first. She sat next to me for a few months if I'm not wrong. Hmm, so counting our friendship since Primary 3 till now, I have known her for 8 years? Sorry my friend, I'm such a bad friend for getting in touch with you. ;(

The third victim is Elaina. We worked together at FatBoy's and I made a post about her before since she left Singapore to study at Manchester. I just chat with her recently but I don't think it's enough? She is like my '*show middle finger* and said bye' friend. We always did this when we parted. Well, she coming back to Singapore next year but I hoped that I can talk to her more..

The reason why I don't have Veronica's photo is because I'm not her friend in facebook yet. I just found out recently that she had a facebook and I just added her today. -,- And for Sukanya's photo, I put 2 photos of her side by side cos she too pretty already. ^^/ Also, I thought that I want the photo to be a little big so I put it like that.

Anyway, I think I will just blog this first? I got a date with Bernice later so I will post about all my dates with Bernice soon. I have like overdue photos with her. Hmm, I also need to update my schedule book cos I have not been using it for months and it's a little wasted if I never write anything inside the book. I will also need to think about what to write for my reflective post. I have a lot of things to write.

I'm freaking bored, so please just ask me random question on my formspring. I like damn sad sia! People want questions, I post questions for them but no one post questions for me! D; my formspring page is like damn lonely. No new questions or whatsoever thing. Let me have questions please!! ;_; I will answer all the questions! I promise! Even those nonsense question like yeah, nonsense questions!! Thank you if you send some questions for me to do!! :D

Love cha, goodnight! :}

P/S: I need to save more money!!

P/S 2: I'm spending all my salary in like two days?! ;_;

P/S 3: I want an itouch badly!!

P/S 4: I need to repair my phone cos it kept spamming msg to other people!! ;x

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