
Saturday, December 31, 2011

130. Christmas is here!

I know it's already 31st December but I still want to talk about Christmas. On the 25th December, which is Christmas day, I went to church. Yes, church. I think I didn't talk about how much I hate church... Erm, actually, I don't really hate church. It's just that I try not to go to church. The reason is pretty simple. For the past few years of my life, people kept forcing me to go to church. I don't like it but I can't say 'no'.

So, for the very first time second time, I went to church willingly. This time, my purpose was to support Charles since he was going to talk on the stage, in front of everybody. So, I thought "Why not support him?". At first, Marcus and Joanna were supposed to come but they had something on and betrayed me. Luckily, still got Jiaxuan.

By the way, the church name is Heart of God Church. It was weird at first since there were a lot of people at the entrance and I don't know if it's just me or what, they kept staring at JX and me. Called Charles afterwards and then he brought us to his friends and we started chatting. Not long after, we went inside and got seated. It was kinda fun and to be honest, it was like what Charles said before to me. He told me that the church doesn't look like a church and it was true. It was pretty much like a concert but it's not like those Super Junior concert kind. Something like when you have a performance at school?

I wanted to take photo but a bit paiseh cos everyone was like super serious. After the service (I don't know if it's called as service  or what), we went to eat with Charles' friends. I can't remember all of them but I know one of the person name is Henry. Sorry to the other 2 people! :( Afterwards, we went back to the church to catch Kungfu Panda 2. Overall, it was fun. Met quite a lot of good people and watched a movie. However, in the end, I went home without any photos. -,-

Now, let's move on to 28th December. I had another Christmas party but this time was in school. Yes, design school. They created it and around 75 people turned up. I was late as usual but this time, I was with Bernice. Hehehe, my late accomplice! :) We went to Somerset first to look for present and then we went to Orchard Central to visit Ellis since she was working there. Afterwards, this was where our short adventure started. We took bus to Bugis and then walk walk walk to another bus stop at Bugis and then took 133 and then we stopped at some random place and took taxi and then headed to school. That's the end. Hahaha, did you expect anything? Well, it was kind of interesting to me since we were super indecisive.

Anyway, once we reached school, ate some food and then went to LT and had a little game (don't forget the lyrics) and then Christmas exchange gift which took like 2 hours. Albinia left first since it was almost 10PM and then Bernice and I waited till Joelle finished her duties and went home together. She had a friend with her but I can't remember his name. Sorry friend! :( I'm really bad at memorising people's name and face. I'm just old. I shall not deny it.

I'm kinda done so let's move on to the presents! :D I don't receive a lot but I got some this year! :} Joelle, my sister and my cousin and cousin-in-law gave me early Christmas presents. Joelle gave me the candy stick, I don't know what is it called. Candy cane? I don't know lah but thanks Joelle! :D Well, she gave everyone the same thing but it's the thought that counts yo!

My sister gave me something that I really like! Can you guess what is it?

It was RILAKKUMA DOLL and mug! Okay, the reason why I never caps on the mug is because I want you to focus on the doll instead. The doll's size is medium?

The rilakkuma doll! :D

Cute huh? :D

Well, I never take any photo of the mug so no photo of it. Maybe next time when I use it and then I shall take photo of it. The next present was given by my cousin and my cousin-in-law. It's a super super surprise. I didn't even expect them to even give me anything but they gave me! And when they gave me, I thought it was pocky or something since it's a rectangle-ish figure.

The packaging that they gave me.

Message from them. Only we understand what does the words above meant.

When I opened the packet, I was totally freaked out. Like, seriously. Super seriously.


It was an iPod touch!!!!!

And furthermore it was a fucking 64GB itouch!!! Not 8GB and not 32GB! IT'S 64GB!! I'M TOTALLY SUPERLY IN CLOUD 9. OR 7 OR WHATEVER IS THE NUMBER OF THE CLOUD! I can't even believe what I saw lah! Totally touched by it cos they knew that I wanted to buy a 64GB iPod touch by using my salary and they actually bought it for me! Woah, the feeling of that day cannot be described sia!! ;_;

Moving on, on the 25th itself, I got a Christmas card from Charles! It was handwritten so I considered it as sincere? Hahaha, some more he wrote something that was for me so yeah, appreciate the thought! :} And for the Christmas exchange party, I got a lunch box? I actually wanted to get Albinia's present or at least a toy but it's not bad already. People spend the money to buy it so must be thankful for whatever it is! :)

That's the end for this post. So MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS EVERYBODEH! I hope that you had a great Christmas this year! ^^/

My gifts from me to you are only videos. Not made by me but I dedicate them to you? :)

To everyone: Last Christmas by Cascada:

To Bieber's fan? Mistletoe by Justin Bieber:

P/S: I kinda like Justin's voice now. It's unique!! I wished that his voice is like that from last time.

To KPOP fans, Santa U Are The One by SMTOWN:

P/S 2: I died by Eunhyuk's kiss at 0:44.

P/S 3: 1:04, Donghae so handsome! ;_;

P/S 4: 1:21, YESUNG AH, MARRY ME!! D;

P/S 5: 1:57, Sunny so cute! :D


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