
Friday, December 30, 2011

129. Replay

All photos are taken by itouch so yeah, the quality is even suckier than my phone. -,- I didn't know that itouch camera's quality will be this bad.. Anyway, for the past few days weeks, I have been working working working and working. Well, I did went out, shop and eat good food.

Sandwich made by my sister.

My super cute mug at work. Super Junior mug, fyeah! :)

Spaghetti made by my sister as well.

Strawberry flavor which is kinda sucky.

I love my creepers! :D

Supper at my workplace. Hahaha, we kept reheating the food.

The love of my life, fried chicken wings.

I'm being serious here so I shall tell you my secret. I have been craving for BBQ chicken wings and I have been talking about it since I don't know when. I remembered that I wrote about it on other posts but I forgotten which posts I whined at. I remember that I had been craving for them since last month so when I was working till late mid-night (almost everyday), my cousins and I would buy fried chicken wings and ate them. That was how serious I wanted to eat BBQ chicken wings and I couldn't eat them and I had to eat fried instead.

Bernice's part-time shop.

At Hansang Korean Family Restaurant with my sister.

The appetizer? I don't know.

My bibimbab! :)

Side dishes! :D

My sister Jjangmyeon! :)

My food again.

And again.

Another shot of my sister's food before we start eating our food! :)


Done eating. Yay! ^^/

Alright, that's all from me today. I will be writing another 3 more posts. Goodbye for now.

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