
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

74. Wae

Thought of blogging about BigBang but I guess I will post it another time? :/ I don't think anyone will read my blog, seriously. Anyway, I thought of posting about my hair! Yes yes yes! My awesome orange pinky hair! :} Since my sister said that I looked nicer when I tie my hair, thus, I decided to post 2 photos - one with my hair tied and one more which I let it down.

 I look like some goddess with the white background LOL

I blur the background cos I want you guys to focus on my hair! :}

I shall conclude that I look nicer with my hair tied for this hairstyle. Oh ya, I didn't tell my parents about my hair yet. I think they gonna faint straight away when they see me. -.- I hope they don't scold me..

Taadaa, my pink highlights! Cute Adorable right? :)

Talking about highlights, I thought that it will be nicer if I actually add more highlights and I should add on the other side as well.. Hmm, a few of my friends said that I look like Hayley from Paramore. Ops, did I wrote about this before? :/ My memory is failing me, seriously.

This was what Tariq send to me when I skyped with him after I dyed my hair..

I just realised that she actually had orange hair so I kind of get it now. -.- Maybe I should have make my highlights like this:

But it gonna cost me a bomb since my own hair already cost me like a bomb. So it will be a double bomb if I dyed it like that. Wait, this means I'm original man! I dyed it orange while thinking no one has this hair colour (I don't even know Paramore okay? I was like super into Kpop and so far, no one has orange hair until after I thought of dyeing it orange, Hyunseung from BEAST and Taemin from SHINee has it.. Great mind thinks alike? Well, I think they are like more to being forced to have orange hair.. -.-) and plus the highlights! Woots, I'm super original, you copycaters out there! :}

Anyway, moving on, after thinking a lot about highlights, I kind of regret why I never dye it like rainbow. And like all of a sudden, I thought of this handsome guy below:

Why is he so fucking perfect? Oh my fuck god! He is like so handsome! His lip, eyes, hair and everything! *Fangirling in the process*

-.- Ehmm, let's move on. The reason why I thought of him is because of this:

See those adorable hightlights? Wait, looking at that photo, it reminds me of the fansigning that I went! Oh my geee! Don't tell me this is taken at that time?! Oh my oh my oh my! His teeth is so niceee! That piercing as well!! *Fangirling in the process, again*

Okay, I'm seriously sorry about that. He is just too perfect okay?

I also thought of this:

Since managing coloured hair is totally difficult as the roots will come out and especially my hair grows like fucking fast. Also, bleaching my hair all the time = white hair and hair loss. So maybe I will just buy those hair dyes from Watsons or something and dye it black or brown or red or rainbow. Ops, no rainbow since it's gonna be difficult to manage.. Then put some highlights! Awesome idea right?

Byeeeeee! :}

Monday, June 20, 2011

73. A New Way

Hello people! I got a lot of problems nowadays and I feel like crap. Not only that, I realised that I cannot live alone but now that I think about it, maybe living alone will make me be more responsible.. Anyway, I shall not talk about that first. You see, I just don't know how but all of a sudden, everyone is tweeting about my hair. Okay, I did tweet about it, yesterday. It was when I was working at FatBoy's.

Marscella, Ice, Amelia & me :}

Two of my friends who saw the photo, tweet to me these:

Read it upwards pleaseee

And before that, I use this photo:

as my display photo for twitter and three of my friends tweeted to me:

The best tweet is this:

And today, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, my friends who just notice about my new hair colour, tweet to me these:

Read it upwards again, pleseeee

However, it breaks my heart to see these Y.Y:

Thanks a lot but it's orange ;_;

Yes, orange rules but it isn't brown.

NOOOOOO, it's orangeeeee ;_;

Not you see! It's orange!!

Yes, it's orange! :}

Noooooo! It's just orange! :)

It's not unknown okay? It's orangeeeeee

No Miner, it's orange! ;_;

Hahaha, thanks but it's orange okay? :)

It's orange! Oh my fucking god! :{

It's orange colour okay? Not brown! :( I know that it's partly my fault that everyone thinks that it's brown colour since my hair colour on twitter's picture is somewhat like light brown. I'm gonna upload a nicer and clearer photo of the orange colour hair pretty soon! :)

Thanks guanan! :}

And I somewhat don't want to talk about how much it costs since it's gonna break my heart. So just believe him okay?

Just believe that it's $300 but don't believe that it's phailed okay? Thanks a lot!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

72. China in the town

I know that the title sounds very racist but that's not what I meant. I was talking about a place called Chinatown. See, it sounds the same right? At least okay? China in the town and Chinatown. Okay lah, I'm seriously not racist! :( Oh oh, talking about Chinatown, just now when I went to Chinatown with Bernice, my sis texted me and she asked me where am I so I texted her: "I'm at China".. I was so lazy to type out the 'town' thus I only wrote 'China'.. Okay, I don't think anyone is laughing.. -.-

I was supposed to meet Bernice at 1PM at Chinatown MRT but in the end, we met at 2PM and guess who is the one that is late! It's Bernice!! :} So happy that I'm not always the latest one even though we met each other 1 hour later of the original meeting time. So I conclude that it's human nature to be late when those people live super close to the place that they need to go.. Don't blame me if I'm late next time.. It's human nature~ Hahahahaha..

The reason why we went to Chinatown is because of FLEA MARKET! :D Well, I knew about this flea market through QiuQiu and she is one of the reason why I want to go for this flea market even though I rarely go to Chinatown.. Since one of Bernice's friends has a stall at the flea market, we went to search for the stall. I feel what the fuck whenever I need to think how long it took us to find the place! :(

Bernice, Qianya && Munting aka Jezelle

Spotted QiuQiu doing Budget Barbie! :)

I also spotted Jiaqi, Hayley and Sophie! :) Wanted to candid them but totally had no time and I actually talked to Jiaqi and Hayley for a little while since they also had a stall at the flea market. They are kind of nice and I think Hayley or Jiaqi or both of them said that they or she like my hair colour! :D See, even popular people think that my hair colour is nice okay? Lol, so you must like like like my hair colour~

Oh, talking about Jiaqi and Hayley, Bernice is totally their sister or something! When I talked to them, I don't know why, I just said: "Don't you think that she (Bernice who was standing on my right) looked like the two of you?" And they actually replied me while looking at Bernice.. Hayley said that Jiaqi and Bernice looked more alike while Jiaqi said that Hayley and Bernice looked more alike. Hahaha, super funny! But in the end, didn't buy anything from there since I was a bit not on the right mind and I didn't bring that much cash today..

I totally had to say something about the shirt above. It's not what I bought and it's not something that I want. I just want to say what the fuck, totally. Please please please please, don't wear that Hello Kitty shirt anymore!!! I'm like haunted by it! Everyday, everywhere, everytime, I wii at least see one freaking person wearing that fuck shirt. Sorry to call it fuck but it's like too common now! North, South, East and West, everyone is wearing that shirt. Oh my fucking god, please don't wear it anymore!! D:

Okay, scroll down and you will see a super surprise! :}






















Taaadaaaa! My new hair! It's nice right? :} I totally like it but now I think it's pretty normal! :( Should have add more highlights and make it like super bright orange colour..

Munting and me! :D

Even though it's not my stall, I ended up helping Qianya and Munting. Today is my first day meeting Munting and it's my first time that I talked to Qianya that long. Qianya and Bernice ran away to go shop so I had to help to take care with Munting. I just knew that she is from TP so all the while that the 2 people went to shop, we were talking all the time. But, we got take care of the stall okay? We even sold some of the things..

Kay, that's all that I want to say so annyeong everyone! :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

71. Changing

I changed a lot of things. From the blog title to description to the blogskin. Neh, it doesn't stop here as there is another thing that I changed and that is my hairstyle and hair colour! :} Yes yes! I finally dye my hair even though I have been talking about it since like 2 or 3 weeks ago.. Hmm, I don't think I'm going to upload any photo of my new hairstyle even though I have an urge to upload it.. So, I last minute-ly decided that I shall upload the photos that I took during the process of the dyeing~

Yeah, that's all.. Can get a rough idea of what is my hair colour now? :} I feel like a totally different person with the new hairstyle plus the colour. Lol, I think I will post my new hair colour later on? I have a date with Bernice later at Chinatown~ Goodie night! :D

Thursday, June 16, 2011

70. Blank

It seems that I have a lot of things to write but I forgotten about what I want to write. This is totally sad okay? Cos now I really think that I'm fucking old and my memory is getting bad. Remember last time I wrote about not using vulgarities on my blog? I think now I don't care liao. -.- Cos it will be damn weird if I put 'fish' instead of 'fuck' cos the sentence will be damn super weird. Like 'I feel like fuck' becomes 'I feel like fish'.. See? It will be damn awkward right?

I know that a lot of people already started their holiday but mine just started like today. Yesterday was the last day of my block! :} Super yay cos my class ended like 3 to 2 days earlier than other classes in design school! :D Went to eat at Bistro with Joelle, Amanda, Bernice, Ellis, Joanna, Albinia, Arya, Takuya, Marcus, Diyana and..... Fuck, I cannot remember who else went. See, my memory is failing me! :(

After brunch, Theifly and Yuwei came and we chatted for awhile and we were looking at funny photos. I can't find the exact page so I just gonna put the key name. You can just google it okay? Google is our best friend! :} Key name: Chubby Bubble Girl. As long as you see this photo:

you are on the right track :)

We were laughing damn hard that I think the whole place is filled with our laughter. We were really being inconsiderate that time.. As we were sitting near the entrance, we were blocking the walkway since we were standing up and crowding around Marcus who was looking at the photos on his laptop...

Okay, I don't know how to say this but I think it's totally random. I mean like the people from my class are super random. I was texting Danial then suddenly, I texted Tariq. Then he was asking me if I'm going anywhere after that and asked me to think of somewhere to go. All of a sudden, I remembered about Bernice saying that we should play pool since it's the last day of the block and go as a class. So I texted Tariq back about playing pool. And I don't know how and why, I thought of bowling and texted him again. Then I asked everyone at Bistro if they want to play as well..

At first, Arya, Joelle, Marcus, Takuya, Diyana and I don't know who else were planning to watch X-Men and they were really on about watching it especially Arya. It's like she die die wants to watch X-Men on that day. After I asked about the bowling thing, she agreed to go bowling instead of watching X-Men that she die die wants to watch it on that day.

Thus, we went to play bowling and it was super duper fun! :} I haven't play since like 2006? For the first game, Marcus and I share cos he was not playing at first as he got chalet later on and not sure when he need to leave. Then I asked him if he wants to play for me for one of the throw.. For the 2nd game, he played. Totally super fun! :D Gerald, Tariq, Charles, Syafiq and Danial should have come loh! :/

Btw, not gonna talk about how we went to Downtown East to play bowling since we were like playing 007 like that. -.- Afterwards, Amanda wanted to play arcade so we went up but she can't find the game that she wanted to play.. Randomly, Arya saw this neoprint booth and she said like let's take a picture and most of us were like saying it's a waste of money and etc and bla bla bla bla.. In the end, we took. LOL :)

If only Marcus didn't leave, each person just have to pay $1.. In the end, Arya and Takuya paid $2 and the rest paid $1 as we lost one of the $1 coin. Okay, should I say that it disappeared or someone didn't pay.. Anyway, it was also damn fun! :D

Anyway, I heard that at 3.22AM, there will be an eclipse so at 3.22AM, I went out to the window there but I see no moon! D: I feel super cheated lah! But it was raining heavily afterwards and the sky looks red! Since I didn't have my DSLR with me, I used my phone to take the sky but it was a total failure..

Oh, I saw this awesome video on Allkpop! :} A group called 8eight, which consist of 3 members - 2 males and 1 female. They were ordering pizza from Pizza Hut. However, the way they order is totally unique! They order via singing! It starts from 0:40 onwards~

I don't get what they order but it was totally cool! I just know that the first sentence was "something something make it in ‘family’ size".. But it's damn cool right? I'm totally in love with the girl's voice! :} And I think Pizza Hut should use this to advertise their pizza! :D

I know it's a rather long post so ciaooooooo! :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

69. Planning

Me and Tariq @ TP Library

I totally forgotten why I put the title as that but if not wrong, I have a similar title before? :/ Tariq was being so noisy that's why I pointed at him when we were taking photo using photo booth. Okay, I don't think there is any connection but yeah, who cares.

It was quite okay for the past few days/weeks in school since got happy and sad stuffs that happened. I don't have enough sleep for the past few days since I was busy doing the assignments especially from ComDI. The module is totally sucky and I can say that I got really stressed up because of it. Well, what's over is over.

Last Saturday, I went for night walk at the Engineering School. It was totally fun but tiring as well! :/ I can't wait for DOC!! :} I guess I gonna join DSC to make sure that I can really join DOC..

The night walk people! :}

Talking about night walk, Albinia really looked like me! I even had a hard time recognising who is who on the photo! Hahaha, I guess it's because we both have the same type of hairstyle? :} And on that day, surprisingly, we wore like almost the same shirt!

Try guessing who is who :}

Needa go out soon so byeeeeee!