
Sunday, June 19, 2011

72. China in the town

I know that the title sounds very racist but that's not what I meant. I was talking about a place called Chinatown. See, it sounds the same right? At least okay? China in the town and Chinatown. Okay lah, I'm seriously not racist! :( Oh oh, talking about Chinatown, just now when I went to Chinatown with Bernice, my sis texted me and she asked me where am I so I texted her: "I'm at China".. I was so lazy to type out the 'town' thus I only wrote 'China'.. Okay, I don't think anyone is laughing.. -.-

I was supposed to meet Bernice at 1PM at Chinatown MRT but in the end, we met at 2PM and guess who is the one that is late! It's Bernice!! :} So happy that I'm not always the latest one even though we met each other 1 hour later of the original meeting time. So I conclude that it's human nature to be late when those people live super close to the place that they need to go.. Don't blame me if I'm late next time.. It's human nature~ Hahahahaha..

The reason why we went to Chinatown is because of FLEA MARKET! :D Well, I knew about this flea market through QiuQiu and she is one of the reason why I want to go for this flea market even though I rarely go to Chinatown.. Since one of Bernice's friends has a stall at the flea market, we went to search for the stall. I feel what the fuck whenever I need to think how long it took us to find the place! :(

Bernice, Qianya && Munting aka Jezelle

Spotted QiuQiu doing Budget Barbie! :)

I also spotted Jiaqi, Hayley and Sophie! :) Wanted to candid them but totally had no time and I actually talked to Jiaqi and Hayley for a little while since they also had a stall at the flea market. They are kind of nice and I think Hayley or Jiaqi or both of them said that they or she like my hair colour! :D See, even popular people think that my hair colour is nice okay? Lol, so you must like like like my hair colour~

Oh, talking about Jiaqi and Hayley, Bernice is totally their sister or something! When I talked to them, I don't know why, I just said: "Don't you think that she (Bernice who was standing on my right) looked like the two of you?" And they actually replied me while looking at Bernice.. Hayley said that Jiaqi and Bernice looked more alike while Jiaqi said that Hayley and Bernice looked more alike. Hahaha, super funny! But in the end, didn't buy anything from there since I was a bit not on the right mind and I didn't bring that much cash today..

I totally had to say something about the shirt above. It's not what I bought and it's not something that I want. I just want to say what the fuck, totally. Please please please please, don't wear that Hello Kitty shirt anymore!!! I'm like haunted by it! Everyday, everywhere, everytime, I wii at least see one freaking person wearing that fuck shirt. Sorry to call it fuck but it's like too common now! North, South, East and West, everyone is wearing that shirt. Oh my fucking god, please don't wear it anymore!! D:

Okay, scroll down and you will see a super surprise! :}






















Taaadaaaa! My new hair! It's nice right? :} I totally like it but now I think it's pretty normal! :( Should have add more highlights and make it like super bright orange colour..

Munting and me! :D

Even though it's not my stall, I ended up helping Qianya and Munting. Today is my first day meeting Munting and it's my first time that I talked to Qianya that long. Qianya and Bernice ran away to go shop so I had to help to take care with Munting. I just knew that she is from TP so all the while that the 2 people went to shop, we were talking all the time. But, we got take care of the stall okay? We even sold some of the things..

Kay, that's all that I want to say so annyeong everyone! :)

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