
Saturday, June 4, 2011

67. Supposed

I was supposed to work today but something happened to me thus I'm not able to work. Let me share my problem! :} Today, when I was half awake at I don't know what time, I felt that there were tears running down on my cheek. Of course, being half awake, I ignore it since I couldn't differentiate whether it was just a dream or real. Thus, later on when I woke up at around 8AM, I tried to open my left eye but I COUDN'T! :/

I tried really hard to open my left eye but all that I know was tears started running down my cheek and it hurts like fuck (I have been using 'fish' to change the word 'fuck' since I wanted my blog to be free from vulgarities but it was really pain that I couldn't change the word to 'fish'). I was really worried since I have a lot of things to do today. I tried patting water from the tap to try to cool it down and opened my left eye really damn little to put the water in. However, it was a failure and I decided to sleep in a little more as I thought that sleeping would help.

Why do I say that sleeping will help? Cos, usually when I have fever, I sleep and I will feel better. When I have a terrible headache, I sleep and I will fell much better when I wake up.. When I feel that the world is boring and not interesting, I sleep and start dreaming and then, when I wake up, I will feel better. See! Sleeping really helps me a lot! :}

Back to the topic, I woke up at around 10AM and to my surprise, it didn't help any little bit! D; should I say that it got worse? YES! IT GOT DAMN WORSE! I actually cried cos it hurts damn fucking bad and thinking about all the things that I have to do, I became super sad. I have 3 things that I need to do by today. Firstly, I need to meet up with my cousin at ICA building to extend my visit pass since I already overstayed. Secondly, I need to go to Victoria Jomo to shop with my sister as they have a shopping buffet. Last but not least, I need to go to work.

I was in despair (Seriously! Like the world is ending! Erm, maybe half of that feeling?). I started thinking wildly.. Like am I going to be blind and etc? Since I really hate anything that to do with my eyes, I seriously thought that I need to go for some surgery if my eyes didn't get better and I really want to avoid that. I tried to open my eyes again and I finally able to open it! :D But I could only open it for like a second? And once it close back, OH MY FUCKING GOD! IT HURTS SO MUCH THAT I THINK HAVING CRAMPS ARE MUCH BETTER!

Since I need to do my visit pass like as soon as possible, I could care less about my eye as staying in Singapore legally is like much more important. So I went out with a sunglasses.. I didn't have the time to camwhore thus no photo. I know it was really weird to wear sunglasses in a rainy day but I had no choice. I closed my left eye and had to only relied on my right eye. Luckily, by the time I was doing the visit pass matters, it got better, like a lot.

While I was waiting for my turn at ICA, I called my supervisor and told him that I'm not able to work today. I think he was quite annoyed since this is my second time canceling my work on the day itself. He said: "Why like that one?" Then I said: "There is problem with my left eye. It's not like I don't want to work, I'm just suay (Suay means unlucky in another language. I can't remember what laguage).."

With that, I solved 2 of the things that I have to do. After the ICA, I went shopping at Victoria Jomo with my sis and my cousin! :} It was pretty awesome since it's a shopping buffet. How I know about this thing? It's just because I know~ MUAHAHAHA! To be honest, I know it from QiuQiu! :} I got the shirt that she wore when she was jumping but in different colour. It's cute but transparent.. -.- Like cannot wear to go outside loh!

The photo above is how the hell I put all my stuffs inside the plastic bag. You won't get the photo unless you read QiuQiu's post. Since I finally experience how shopping buffet feels like, I'm going to tell you a few tips that will help you to get more stuffs next time. I just thought of it after I shopped finish lah! So unfair! :(

Tips to shop during shopping buffet:
1. Go survey the shop first a few days before the buffet starts so you will know what they roughly have and what you want from that shop (This will help you to maximize the time given for you to shop during the buffet).
2. Since you know what you roughly want, buy the bag which you think will fit all the things that you want. For me, I personally like to take the bigger bag even though I never survey the shop before... -.-
3. Once you enter the shop, CHIONG! That's a totally a must for you! If you come with your friends, tell them that you going separated ways inside the shop since you are fighting a WAR!
4. If you never survey the shop beforehand like me, KIAP ALL THE CLOTHES YOU THINK THAT LOOK NICE! Don't care if they look nice on you or not, just take! :} I know I'm very inconsiderate but I'm influence by some people? :D
5. After you take all the things you want, go to a corner and sort out all the things. It's better if you 'chop' the corner with a mirror so you can actually see if the clothes that you kiap look nice on you.
6. Try to fold the clothes nicely and make sure no air inside the bag! This will help you to get more stuffs! :}

Okay, end of my tutorial! Ciao! :)

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