
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

69. Planning

Me and Tariq @ TP Library

I totally forgotten why I put the title as that but if not wrong, I have a similar title before? :/ Tariq was being so noisy that's why I pointed at him when we were taking photo using photo booth. Okay, I don't think there is any connection but yeah, who cares.

It was quite okay for the past few days/weeks in school since got happy and sad stuffs that happened. I don't have enough sleep for the past few days since I was busy doing the assignments especially from ComDI. The module is totally sucky and I can say that I got really stressed up because of it. Well, what's over is over.

Last Saturday, I went for night walk at the Engineering School. It was totally fun but tiring as well! :/ I can't wait for DOC!! :} I guess I gonna join DSC to make sure that I can really join DOC..

The night walk people! :}

Talking about night walk, Albinia really looked like me! I even had a hard time recognising who is who on the photo! Hahaha, I guess it's because we both have the same type of hairstyle? :} And on that day, surprisingly, we wore like almost the same shirt!

Try guessing who is who :}

Needa go out soon so byeeeeee!

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