
Saturday, July 16, 2011

77. Old Times

This post is basically about my complains. No photos and just words! You have been warned! So don't get angry or whatever during and after reading this post. Thank you very muchy! :}

I think I got rant about this before. You see, nowadays, kids (yes, those who are born in different century as me) are super what the fuck. It kept me thinking about how lucky they are since the technology, economy and etc are super awesomely much much better than the old time. I went to my cousin's house at Buangkok after having dinner with her family. When I reached her house, one of my niece said:"Let's play wii!"

After setting it up and etc, I told one of my cousin, Tommy, who is living with me: "Oh my god, now got wii, masa kecilku kurang bahagia (unhappy childhood - direct translation, ps I don't know how to say it in English).."

Then my another cousin, Indah, who heard me replied: "Yeah, at least I got PS (PlayStation)"

I replied her: "Oh my godddd! Then what happen to my childhood days sia?!"

Tommy replied: "Oh! You got nitendo!"

I suddenly remembered about it and went "Oh ya!" He continued: "I still can remember that I used to play with marbles.. Technology nowadays.."

We were super excited to play wii since we never play it before. Think about this, it reminds me of an incident that happened on my birthday this year. That one seriously cannot forger one. It's super fuck. When I was on the bus with my friends from Nanyang Poly, got these 3 boys that boarded the bus. They talked damn loud and on that day got this uncle who check if you got pay your fare for the bus thingy. Then one of them didn't pay or something like that and that uncle asked them to get down (at first he said it nicely but one of the boys was super what the fuck, I really hope that he gets into some accident and repent afterwards!). All of them went down and that fuck same *cursing in progress* boy, pointed middle finger!

Super rude lah! It's his own fault but still dares to point middle finger to the uncle who was doing his duty! Sorry ah, I know that I'm rude on some occasions but I know when I should be rude. I just realised that kids just curse and points like it's a word that they use on basic conversation. It's pretty disappointing to see that kids nowadays do these stuffs. Just imagine it this way, if a tourist who is lost his way in Singapore and happened to meet one of these kids and if they answer him like this: "Oh fuck, it's your own problem if you lost your way lah! KNN! Ask the police or what lah! CB, what a lousy day." I only can say Singapore, I think you need to add an etiquette lesson as a subject from kindergarden to secondary school and good luck to your future.

It's not that I'm cursing but it's just that I can't take all this behavior. I'm not gonna say that I'm different from these kids okay? I do scold and curse but I rarely points at people already and when I do these stuffs, it's probably out of fun like when I'm around my friends and we were joking and etc.

Oh since I'm already ranting, I'm gonna add fire to the fuel by continuing this. Both of my niece have a wonderful American accent and I seriously like their accent. I told Indah that it's a pity that they didn't study in Singapore since Singapore's education is kind of better than Indonesia (from my point of view). Then she nodded in agreement but suddenly, after 1 second of agreement, we went "NONONONO!" She told me that if they study in Singapore, their accent will be..... RUINED! And we nodded again.

I kind of completed my complain part 1. I shall continue this when I have filled up my "container of hatred and complains" again. So long everyone! :}

P/S: I think I have a lot of haters by now, sorreh! :x

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