
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

75. Long!

Hey all! :) It's been a long time since I last post! I don't know why, when I feel so enthu about writing a post, I will be posting a lot of posts within a day but when I'm super lazy, I will be missing in action for a few days/weeks/months..

Went to Indonesia and I practically staying at home 24/7. I almost didn't go anywhere, seriously. But the good thing is that I didn't waste any money! :) I went for a week? Since I went from Saturday to Saturday.. It's considered as a week right? :x

Alright, before I went back to Indonesia, I had a 'class outing' which only 6 people attend including me - Amanda, Danial, Jiaxuan, Syafiq and Tariq which was on Thursday (2 days before I went back to Indonesia). No group photo so not posting any photo and since it was at night, the photos that I took are somewhat like crap so it's 'the more reason that I should not post the photos' reason. I not going to admit that my photo skill is fucked up and most of them were taken by my classmates randomly.. So yeah, it's not that our skill is shit, it's just that it was at night.. Blaming the timing! :}

Since I'm not that bad, I shall just post a photo which is like the most clearest photo out of all the photos that were taken! Somehow it sounds like a competition and need to choose the best person within that competition.. -.- So, this is the photo:


His favorite word ever! :/ I just don't get why it has to be his photo that is the most clear among all the photos lah! :( Why can't it be my beautiful orange hair?! ;_; *crying in progress* and since I'm writing about my hair, IT HAS TURN INTO GOLD for some idk reason! #fuckmylife why can't it turn into a nicer colour other than gold?! *sobs x100* now that I think about it, gold = unique! So this means that I'm unique! Oh my gee! YAY!

Oh, by the way, that guy on top is Danial Juhari and he is taken.. If by any chance, he is single again, I will post his number here! :D If he got a text from some perv, it's not my fault since he never treat me good! :( Hmm, I'm not that evil so I'm taking back my words.. Danial, you better treat me better! D:

On Friday (1 day before I went back to Indonesia), went to school with Rain and then went for a picnic with Elias, Rain and another guy which I can't remember his name.

Elias, the guy whose name I can't remember, Rain & me! :)

Rain & me + the forgotten guy's name

Me and Elias// glasses power!

I think I'm gonna post the other photos on Facebook since I'm too lazy to upload it on blogspot. It takes like forever to load! :( But I don't think I will upload it anytime soon since I'm super lazy.. Yeah, I'm now on a lazy mode? #foreverlazy

Okay, I think my dad is like super good with photography! I think it's his first time using a DSLR and I just change the mode and I just taught him a few things and he took nice photos! :( Envy to the max!

One of the photos that he took :}

Then on Saturday (when I came back to Singapore), Bernice, Charles and Jiaxuan fetched me! Heart them! Well, Tariq came as well but he was kinda late so not gonna add him to the 'heart' list.. Hohoho, treat me better Tariq! And stop abusing my twitter account! :( After that, went to City Plaza as there was a 'class outing' again. This time somewhat improve? Slacked with the previous 4 plus Syafiq. Then we played pool and after that, went back to the car park there and slack again but with Amanda, Danial and Jerome minus off Bernice since she went somewhere..

This is where all the nonsense started! It's gonna be super long so I not gonna post it but it's because of Tariq and Syafiq, especially Tariq! :{ I'm now a mafia's daughter in the story that they created! -.- Afterwards, had my lunch plus dinner plus supper at mcd with Amanda, Jerome and Tariq.

I think I have a great memory skill but somehow I think that I have a short term memory, this is bad. Oh, I'm gonna post about my new module next time since it's getting too long..

Bye my loyal readers! :}

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