
Thursday, July 21, 2011

78. A little bit

Heyaa! :) I skipped 2 days worth of class this week! :/ Kinda sad cos I actually intended to skip once but I overslept so no choice skipped 2 days of class. I had one day MC so the other day, I'm dead. It's gonna be a super random post since it's 2:28AM now and I was supposed to sleep but by somehow I'm super hyper now that I can't sleep. Oh ya, Tariq has been telling me that my english is power! Hahaha, I guess I need to start using proper english? It's kind of difficult since it already became a habit to speak whatever way I like.

If you have forgotten who is Tariq, you can see his face here. I'm too lazy to upload a photo of him and I don't want to help him advertise his face. Okay, back to what I want to write.... I forgotten what I want to write.... -.- Whatever lah, I have a short term memory anyway. Hmm, I went out with my classmates today - Joanna, Bernice, Gerald, Takuya, Amanda, Syafiq, Tariq and Danial? Ate at Parkway and then headed to East Coast Park to play games from 2.30PM(?) to 6.15PM(?)! Oh me gee! We were crazy I guess? Never take any photo since we were engrossed (see! I used a chim word! Instead of 'too focus', I used 'engrossed'!!) with the games.

Met Joy from FatBoy's, not from O'SM and had dinner with her and we slacked since the doctor from clinic that I'm going is only back at 8.45PM. -.- Make me wait for him only! :( Going to meet Tariq later at Parkway since I skipped class and he is nice enough to help me with my drawing essential! :) Thanks a lot bro! :} I will be your brother/sister forever! :D

Talking about relationships, I have only a few leh! Since I talked about Tariq already, Joanna is my smack butt partner/twins and Bernice is my partner-in-crime/lesbo-partner/mistress(?). Gonna talk about them sometimes! :}

Saw these two videos from allkpop.. Actually I only saw the first video but when the video ends, got the related videos came out and then I clicked the second one. Anyway it's a kpop thing so if you are not into kpop, just ignore it ogay? :) Well, SHINee is awesome so even if you are not interested. 

You still watch it even if you are not interested right? Aiya, I don't know if my guess is correct or not but I'm gonna sleep so bye bye~ Goodnight and you should sleep early since it's good for your health? I'm talking rubbish now since I'm not using my brain to think. Sayonara! :)

PS: I miss my secondary school friends! :( When we call each other by nicknames and being childish and doing random shits together ;_;

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