
Thursday, July 21, 2011

79. Pretty Me

Before I start BHB-ing, I gonna post some other stuffs? Went out today to meet Tariq at Startbucks @ Parkway. He wants to feel atas so go Starbucks. Lol, okay, I was just kidding. Sorry sister! :) Went to eat first before getting down to business.. Met at around 2PM but started doing the assignment at around 3.30PM.. -.- Slacked like hell..

Done with most of the work but still need to do more.. Met my sister at Giant then then shopped groceries like fuck. Took cab back then chiong homework which until now still haven't finish yet. *CRY* I HATE 2 PERSPECTIVE DRAWING!! D;

Ice using my awesome specs! :)

Liz wearing my specs as well! :}

Gonna talk a lot about this Cola! This is super damn weird bottle! Usually when you buy a bottle drink, the liquid inside won't be filled to the brim right? But this cola is filled to the brim! OMG super scary! My sister said that last time when she opened this kind of drink (the one that filled to the brim), tasted super weird! So next time you better be careful if you kena this kind of drinks. But if it doesn't taste weird, then you lucky lah. Got more things to drink! :)

I wanted to post something but I forgotten about it..... WAIT! I REMEMBERED! OH MY MY! My memory is a genius! :D

Okey! I wanna complain about my phone! This is an unofficial complain part 2!

I'm using this phone - Samsung Galaxy S! It is a great phone... Excepts! That the battery runs super fast like there is no tomorrow and the apps aren't so that interesting anymore? Okay, I don't care a bout the apps, seriously. I think that these problems only happens to me be but I don't care, I wanna complain. Firstly, all my texts are deleted, OUT OF NOWHERE. This is the second time that happened! Super angry lah! I have like 45 conversations! D:

Secondly, sometimes, let's just say that I'm texting Joanna, it can suddenly be send to Bernice. Sad right? What happens if I'm telling my secrets then send to the wrong person? Super paiseh okey?? Thirdly, when someone calls me, it lags like hell! ;_; so it's either that I wait till the call becomes a miss call after so long or the person cancel the call out of impatient-ness.. See! I super unlucky or what! T.T

Okey, BHB TIME! :D

No need caption since a picture spreaks a picture is worth a thousand words right? HAHAHA goodnight everybody! I'm still chionging on my assignment.. Good luck to me? Ciao.

PS: Somewhat or somehow, I kind of miss O'SM people..

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