
Thursday, August 11, 2011

89. Jason

Jason, my newborn nephew! <3

There is not much thing that I want to blog. I guess cos I'm having mood swing now. I felt damn bad since I got up in the morning. Hmm, Wednesday blues? :/ I felt much better after I went to see Jason at my cousin's house. But I think after I took a nap, it got worse again. -.-

Oh ya, the photo is taken from my another cousin's phone since the photos that I took are still inside my sister's phone.

I want these! Jeremy Scott Inspired Tee! :D

Black or white? I kinda prefer black but white like also niceeeee.. Someone please get it for me, thanks! :} Hahaha, I don't need the real one, just the inspired tee can liaooooo..

That's all? I wanna sleep since I've not been sleeping properly. Nighty night! :)

PS: I think it will end up badly

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