
Sunday, September 11, 2011

100. Woots

Yay! It's my 100th post today! :) You see I actually thought of making a weekly review thing. Like just in case I miss out a few of the days. So I think the next post will be like the review thing for the past 1 week? :} To celebrate my 100th post, I shall show you my wedding photo! :D

Hahaha, did I surprise you? It's my Secondary English teacher's wedding! :} With ex-chaicheean! :)

One Yi Ge and I! :)

Good Day Hao Tian and I! :)

Don't say I make a joke out of their name secretly okay? I have been calling them that since like starting of Secondary 4! :) We created our own nicknames(?)..

Jonathan and I! :)

With him again but he stood one stair above mine since I'm the same height as him on that day! :)

Ern, Jonathan and I! :D

With Holly this time! :} Bianda took for us and she told me after she took the photo, "I cover your black roots for you" HAHAHA

I just realised that I didn't take with her! :(

Damn nice right? Bianda took one! The one that I took is a bit 'ahem' so I didn't want to upload it. Actually I'm just lazy to transfer the photo into my laptop but the previous reason is not a lie~ :9

I think I will upload the rest tomorrow? I need to sleep early so that I can wake up on time tomorrow. I haven't do my assignment yet that is due tomorrow. ;_; *cry cry cry* Waking up around 7AM or 8AM. Bye bye everyone! Love love love! :}

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