
Monday, September 12, 2011

101. Weekly

I thought I need to do this quick since I still have a lot of things to do so yeah, I will do this quick. On last Monday (5th of September), I was being lazy so I don't think I really do anything much. I was watching Protect the Boss (Korean drama) and reading Koizora (Japanese manga) if I'm not wrong. Here is the post.

Last Tuesday (6th of September), I went to watch Infintie's Sesame Player (Korean variety show). I got really hook on that show that I started to like Infinite (Korean boy group) even though I don't even bother to listen to their song last time. Here to see it.

On Wednesday (7th of September), I woke up late since I had no class on that day. Went out with Rosemary to eat and then bought stuffs to make a desert which I don't know how to describe it. Read it here.

On Thursday (8th of September), I don't really remember what I did so I can't say anthing about it. Oh yea! I remember now. Went out to Tampines and ate at M something something. I can't remember the shop place. Ate omelette with Joelle, Bernice, Marcus, Ellis, Joanna, Jiaxuan and Takuya. However, Charles and Gerald were having their own 'date'.

Charles and Gerald dating under Sakura tree.

On Friday (9th of September), I didn't go to school since I overslept and I went to FatBoy's to see Rosemary and eat there. Vivian came later on and we shared the food since both of us aren't that hungry.

I don't want to name the food since it's a bit 'ahem'.

Afterwards, went to Parkway with Vivian since Rosemary had to go off and bought 2 mugs for my teacher's wedding gift. It's fucking nice and I want it for myself. ;_; I didn't manage to take photo since I totally forgotten to take photo of them.

Bianda's colourful elephants.

On Saturday (10th of September), my secondary 3 and 4 English teacher got married. She is like super duper fun and we (my classmates and I) could just talk to her about anything. Funny things to sad things. She like damn 'youngster'? I don't know what to say. She is also sarcastic. -.-

The cakes at there. I didn't take a good photo of it. ;_;

You can read the post here. I slept back after I went back and I was supposed to fetch my parents and sister at night since they were coming back from their vacation. ;_; yeah, they left me here in Singapore alone. #FOREVERALONE But since I didn't know the exact time, I didn't successfully fetch them. I told my sister that I wanted caramel frappe but I said caramel macchiato. *cry* it's fucking bitter.

On Sunday (11th of September), I was supposed to wake up early to see something at Hougang there and it didn't go as plan. In the end, my whole day was ruin which I don't really want to elaborate.

That's all for this week. Bye everyone! :) Sleep well! Nighty night! :}

The subtitles ruins the feeling of the MV but who cares man?! They are totally awesome! :)

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