
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

102. Yes?

I think you should just skip this since I'm gonna talk about Kpop again. :) My sis got me thinking you see.. Eh wait, I think I will just mix all lah since I'm too tired to make 2 different post. Firstly, before I start writing about what I want to write, I know that some of my classmates are reading my blog. u_u I'm shy so don't talk about my blog in class.. ^^/ talks a lot people! Especially Ellis Soh ah! If you don't want me to expose your chinese name then don't stalk me especially in class. Wait, do I even know your chinese name? o.o #writingwithoutusingbrain

You see, these days, when I hear or listen to Like a G6, it reminds me of this:

It's just weird. Not only this you see. This song below:

Reminds me of this:

It sounds super gay to me but somehow it matches? o.o

Kay one more video before I talk about other stuffs is this:

Yes they are all guys and don't think they are gay or anything cos it's pretty normal for Korean guys to dance to girl groups' song since it's a dance battle. The guy in green is Dongho from U-Kiss, the guy in pink is Sungjong from Infinite and the other guy in gold/yellow is Dongjun from ZE:A. If you want to find the original music video, just click here since I'm kind to even give you the link straight.

Hmm, let's see.. Yesterday was a good day so I shall end it here. HAHAH, I'm not that bad okay? :} I just got to share this:

I'm promoting you on my blog, Marcus. You should be happy.

I think I need to skip out my promise about not only writing Kpop stuffs here. Wait, I did wrote one! The photo above! :) Kay, I kept my promise. Good night! My mother is sleeping so I need to off my laptop. See you bros! Ops siss as well. Peace yo! :D

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