
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

98. Over the Top

I think I have a lot of things that I need to do. It's been so late but I still haven't post the photos when I went out with FatBoy's girls. I feel so guilty because it's been like 2 weeks? I thought of uploading them when I go to school but Lihua kept walking around so I can't post them. I brought my laptop like almost everyday to school so I can upload them but.. ;_; *cursing Lihua in progress* Okay lah, it's not his fault. I'm gonna upload them later after I post this post and before I watch Infinite's Sesame Player.

Talking about that show, yes Infinite's Sesame Player is a show. It's a Korean variety show so scam if you hate Korea. I'm somewhat addicted to that show. To be honest, I don't really like Infinite. I don't even remember who is who in their group. It was because of Joanna and Ellis that I started wanting to know Infinite. Actually, I don't even want to know about them since my loves for Kpop groups stops until 2NE1 there. I don't really know other groups that debuted after that. Okay lah, I know the group names but I don't bother to know their members okay?

Yeah they are Infinite. I can't remember all of them like who is who based on this since I still got a little mix up. However, the 2nd guy from the left is Sungyeol, the 2nd guy from the right is Dongwoo and the 1st guy from the right is Sunggyu. I'm sorry to L, Hoya, Sungjong and Woohyun. I shall remember how you guys look like soon. :/

I know that the past few days I have not been uploading my own photos and that's because I have no photos to upload. Actually, I have but I'm too lazy. Okay, now you can crown me the laziest person to upload photos. So today, yeah now, I'm gonna upload photos. I'm repenting that's why I'm going to spam the post with photos, be grateful. :D

I can't remember if I uploaded this before. Tariq's birthday gift. :) I'm somewhat in love with Ellis's handwriting.

I have been using shades ever since last module. -.- It's hot okay! I mean the weather.

I wanted to go Starbucks but I remembered that only T2 has it and my sister was too lazy to go there so we ended up going to some random shop at T1.

This is the cafe(?) that I bought the drink from. Sorry that I forgotten what's the name of the shop.

My dad and mum. They are thinner now, especially my dad.. ;_;

Me and my sister inside the airport toilet. The most common place to take photo.

My supper with Rosemary. We couldn't finish the food but I force myself to eat it. ;_;

Yeah all of them are old photos so today, yesh, TODAY, I went out with Rosemary to eat dinner. She needed to go to ION around 7PM so we only could eat dinner together. Since I wanted to eat rice, we went to the food court on basement but it was crowded and then I suggested going to Banquet. As we were walking there, I suddenly said, "I feel like eating sushi" so we went to Sakae Sushi. We went there even though I really hate GST.. :(

Our finish product? 2 red, 2 pink and 2 random colour. I just realised that the way we stack the plate is somewhat organised(?) I don't know what to describe it.

Rosemary and I. She was somewhat an expert with taking photo in Sakae while using my phone.

Before she left, she accompanied me to Cold Storage (even though I wanted to go Giant cos it's cheaper) to buy stuffs. Okay lah, I sound so bad even though she took the time to accompany me.. Sorry Rose! D; I told her that I wanted to make a desert(?) based on fruit + milk + soda. She told me that she made it before but the fruit she used was banana. I thought it would taste weird so I told her that I wanted to buy watermelon.

I was inspired to make it because of Infinite's Sesame Player. If not wrong, it was episode 5. L and Sunggyu made it and it looks damn nice so I thought if I'm hungry and night, I could eat it. I wanted to make a small portion since I won't eat food that stays in the fridge for more than 2 days cos I will forget about it. You see, I don't go to the fridge that often.

In the end, I bought a cut-ed watermelon, Marigold milk and 2 F&N soda. Talking about milk, because of QuiQui, I started wanting to buy only Marigold milk. -.- I wanted to buy a bottle of soda instead of cans cos I think bottle is cheaper? I'm living based on my salary from part-time job okay? So I'm trying to save money by buying cheap stuffs, don't judge me! :/ Okay lah, I like to compare prices like those aunties you can find at market. Hahah, if not wrong, O types are like that? Or maybe I'm the only one who like to do that.

Watermelon, milk and soda.

My watermelon from like this....

Become like this. Yes, I don't cut fruits that often. The only fruit that I cut often is lemon since at FatBoy's I kept cutting lemons.

To be honest, I kept laughing and commenting at L who was cutting the watermelon at Infinite's Sesame Player but I, myself don't even know how to cut it. -.- When I was about to cut it, I thought, "How am I going to cut it?" Sorry L! :(

At first, it looks nice since I cut it in cubes but then the watermelon started to become difficult to cut so I cut it in rectangles and when it left quite little, I used spoon to scoop it out. Tada, it became like that. -.-

When I was about to pour the milk, I looked at the expiry date and it stated 16 September 2011. Then it got me thinking, "Isn't it expired already? What's today's date? Isn't it already August?" Don't say I dumb or what! I don't write dates on my homework so I don't remember what's the date! After remembering that today's date is 7th of September, I was like "WHAT?! WHY SO CLOSE?"

Pouring the milk on my watermelon~

Soda is next! :D

Don't complain about the photos! My left hand was pouring those things and my right hand was holding on the phone. If you are not a Samsung Galaxy S user, don't complain! It's damn tiring to take photo with one hand okay? Need to tap on the screen first to get a clearer photo then press the thingy to take photo. Argh, why so troublesome?! D;

I know it looks disgusting but it taste pretty weird. Lol, since I never taste the desert before so I don't know how it supposed to taste like. Rosemary told me if it taste okay, make for her next time but I'm sorry, I don't know if it taste okay or not. We shall make together like how we make kimbab last time.

Talking about kimbab, I feel like making it again but not too much this time. Shall ask her if she want to make with me or not. Hahaha, and I think I want to save money starting from tomorrow? I wanna go Korea again in December with Rosemary~ It was pretty fun last time and I like winter okay? I like autumn more but I don't mind. It cooling but it's too cold. What the fuck am I talking about? I shall end my randomness by saying this: The title for today is Infinite's album's name. Hahaha, I was listening to Infinite's song and when I was typing the title, it came out like that without me thinking? :D

Adios everyone! Have a great day since I'm feeling a little good today even though I woke up like 5PM today. :D Shhh! Don't tell anyone about that.

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