
Saturday, September 10, 2011

99. Diet

Like the title said, I'm somewhat going on a diet. Not those kind who won't eat for a few days one. I have a special thinking okay? :/ I have like a totally different diet from everyone cos I'm the creator. Okay, let's stop with the lame joke. I don't even know if it's a joke or not. -.-

I still remember that I told my friends that I'm going on diet, like from how many years ago and I failed? So I started since like last 2 days, I think. Shall I tell you my unhealthy or I don't think it will be successful diet? Hmm, I think I shall keep it to myself as I have the feeling that someone will call me dumb after I reveal it.

It's like 4.36AM now. I started to write this like around 12AM plus and then I stopped since I wanted to sleep. But since I have to attend my teacher's wedding, I decided not to sleep since I know that I would either be late or overslept. So my mind is not functioning right now and I'm writing based on what my fingers type? I seriously never think of what to write. It's like go with the flow. Hmm, I'm such a random person.

I thought that it would be boring if I never upload any photo so I shall post some. Ice, one of FatBoy's waitress, told me not to dye back so I look much better with this blonde hair. -.- Happy yet sad. So for the past 18 years of my life.... I shall not continue. Make me feel more depress only.

#1 Looking at Charles at the back

#2 Bernice, Charles and I

#3 Peace, yo!

#4 I did the same type of face

#5 With my hat backwards?

#6 Alone with Charles at the back

#7 Finally alone

#8 My right eye is smaller I think

#9 Poking Charles

#10 I was totally engrossed to put my fingers at the correct position that I forgotten to smile

#11 I was laughing to myself, yes, I'm scary

#12 Did I pinch him?

#13 Bernice came back so I'm surprised

#14 Tariq just randomly came ;(

#15 Peace part 2

#16 My fringe was awkward

#17 I'm creepy so look at the right

#18 Too fast too furious 6

#19 Bernice used my Photo Booth without my permission

#20 I can sue her right? :D

#21 Will I get money by doing that?

#22 Close up of Bernice's face

#23 I shall forgive you cos you are my mistress :D

#24 Syafiq and Tariq took this and they use it for my desktop background -.-

#25 I'm going to grow my hair until Joelle's hair length there

#26 Angelique

#27 Dora, Danial, Gerald, Jiaxuan and me :D

#28 Lol, I can see Charles again

#29 Bunny teeth?

#30 We are the late accomplices! :}

#31 My left hand's nails with flash

#32 Without flash :D

Okay, talking about Photo #30, I'm going to elaborate more about it. Tariq will wake me up everyday and if I manage to wake up by that call, I don't think we will be late but these past few days, I'm always waking up at 11AM when our class starts at 12PM. So I have no choice but to rush, right? In the end, Tariq will be late with me. When I'm on the way to school, I would always text Bernice, asking her where is she. In the end, we would wait for each other and late together. Nowadays, Danial is getting later and later. He might become our accomplice soon. He is falling into the dark path! :} I'm somewhat happy for him, FALL MORE! :9

Okay, wait for Sunday to come okay? I got stuff to say? :D

For now, goodbye! :)

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