
Monday, September 5, 2011

96. I wasn't

I wasn't suppose to be doing this right now since I need to sleep and I still have homework to do. I feel guilty for not updating my blog somehow? I think I should make it a weekly thing to do? Like every week, I will just upload a post about whatever shit that had happened for that week. If not, I will just have a weekly post and some other post when I feel like typing?

I started wanting to watch drama again since Running Man is getting boring and Family Outing is taking forever to load. Thus, I went to watch Protect the Boss. Yeah, it's the picture above. It's totally like Secret Garden and I kinda not interested in it. Both the male lead guy have trauma and they are rich. They both have cousin which they didn't like at first and then they became close to each other. What the shit lah. Why the same?!

The first episode is really boring but I think around 3rd episode, it gets better, a little bit. To be honest, I think only starting from episode 8, it gets really interesting! :) Now I'm stuck at episode 10 and I think the plot is getting better. You know, it feels like Korean dramas are mixing a lot of thing. Secret garden mix the plot of Little Mermaid and Protect the Boss somehow reminds me of Cinderella. I think I'm the only one who is thinking this way. I'm weird, yes.

Oh, to be honest, this is my 3rd post for 96, seriously. The first one was 'Molla' which means "I don't know" in Korean and I wrote half way and I decided not to publish it. The second one was 'Farewell'. No no no, I'm not going to stop blogging. It was a post dedicated to Elaina but I didn't write anything... -.- I'm sorry Elaina! :( I don't know why I didn't continue them~ Actually I know but I'm just too lazy to write the reason. So just think it as if I didn't know the reason, thank you.

Moving on, I have been reading a manga called Koizora. Yeah, a Japanese comic and I think it's like super duper super duper nice!! :D I'm waiting for chapter 22 now! I hope I can read it soon!! :(

Okay, the title of the comic is actually Koizora - Setsunai Koimonogarati. It means Sky of Love or Love Sky - Sad Love Story or I don't know lah. You want to know what's the real meaning of the title? This is the Japanese title: 恋空~切ナイ恋物語~ and you can use google translate to translate it. Google translate is like everyone's best inaccurate friend, hahaha. I'm not trying to be sarcastic okay? It's the truth that google translate didn't accurately translate the meaning of a sentence or phrase from a language to another language but everyone still uses it.

This is the plot and you can read it at either or To be honest, it's kind of M18 cos that's what they say. Hahaha, cos there is sex scenes and etc so I think a little bit inappropriate for those younger than that? But what should I say? I think the meaning of the comic is so damn meaningful so you should even ignore the M18 thingy. Don't say that I teach people bad thing okay? The story got like a moral? I don't know how to describe lah. If you are those people who are disturbed by those things then don't read. If you are not, then read. It's as easy as this.

I might start watching the drama after I complete reading the manga. Oh ya, talking about Japanese drama, I'm gonna recommend you a Japanese drama called 1 Litre of Tears. It's a fucking genius drama okay? It's based on a true story of a 15 years old girl. Read the plot here.

I got to be honest and I really think that the girl is pretty! :) What the shit, it's already 2.16AM now! I gotta do my photoshop assignment and sleep! :( I still haven't prepare for my tomorrow's clothes!! Goodbye everyone! :)

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