
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

97. BOM

Kay, I was actually listening to a song before typing this and it has the word 'Bombastic' in it. It kind of stuck in my head now so why not put the title as 'BOM'? :} I know that I always have a great idea. Thank you. I know I'm self praising, just ignore me.

I don't really know what I wanted to post about so I will just type randomly? Oh, I wanna say this first. I want to have a class chalet man! :( And I'm gonna be one of those people who plan the activities, I don't care! It's gonna be damn fucking fun, I swear! To be honest, I already started thinking of the games and activities. Hohoho, if there is one next time, I will really blog about it without a doubt! :D

Now I remember what I want to post about. I wanna say stuffs? Erm, somehow, Korean songs are a little similar to English songs. Not the whole song but some part of it. I'm too lazy to find the song so I'm just going to name them. U-Kiss' Someday and Neverland sounds similar to The Fray's Never Say Never and Yolanda Be Cool's We Speak No Americano, respectively. Oh and I like the song below, I feel that it's somehow touching? Like it really suits to those people who are having hard day or something.

Moving on, I'm planning to learn guitar from Tariq. Yeah, he teaching for free so of course want. His condition is just that I won't give up learning half-way which I might. So if I really did it half-way, I'm sorry sister! It's just that music is never my thing. I can't sing and play instrument but I can talk nonsense. :9

I can't really remember what else I want to post about. You see, I have a short term memory. I guess I shall just go and watch 2NE1TV or Infinite's Sesame Player.. Or maybe I should just watch drama? Hmm, I guess I go read the description of the drama first and if it's interesting, I will watch it. Okay, I know it's short but bye everyone! :)

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