
Monday, October 3, 2011

109. Fast One

Alright, I think I will post a really fast post. First of all, HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY, KIDS! I miss those days when my aunt, uncle and teachers gave me presents! OMG and being a kid means, you got everything you want! I mean way. Why I didn't mention my parents?

Urgh! My mind is not right so ignore those words on top. If you read them, you have wasted your own time and it's not my fault. I know I would sound very kiddish so I will just say this: HAPPY BELATED CHILDREN'S DAY! OH AM GEE!! I REALLY MISS THOSE DAYS LAH! At Indonesia, there is no such thing as children's day loh! So unfair lah! ;x So I only started 'celebrating' children's day like when I was Primary 2?

To be honest, I don't know if Indonesia has children's day but from what I recall, I only celebrated mother's day so far? Yes, I'm a freaking anti-social person. I don't celebrate Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year in Indonesia. Wait, even the National Day itself. During those days, I would probably sulking at home, eating, sleeping, shitting and yeah, that's basically all. Sad right? I know!! :( I have been doing that almost half of my life lah! ;_;

Wait! I'm 18 now so if I divide it by 2, it will be 9....... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9...... *Counting in progress* If I'm 13 when I'm in Primary 6, then 12 in P5, 11 in P4, 10 in P3 and 9 in P2..... Fuck yeah, I really wasted half of my life. ARGH!! EFAMEL (FML)!! D; *Crying in progress* Hurhurhurhur...

Oh wait people, before you start thinking that I'm stupid, I came to Singapore when I'm like 9 years old which I'm not even in P2 yet. I was became a P4 student in Indonesia and then I came to Singapore after like attending 1(?) month of lesson? I went to a language tuition center in Singapore and then when I turned 10, I'm enrolled to Primary 3 kay? I don't even know why am I writing this now lah. Too depressed about spending half of my life like that..

Okay, the Chinese New Year was okay already once I arrived to Singapore but Christmas and New Years are still freaking the same okay?! I don't freaking celebrate them in any other way. Okay, I don't even countdown... Wait, I do countdown but at home. Damn shit right? Aiya, whatever lah. It's not even my intention to be writing this depressing thing right now. Where was I?

Oh yeah, that Children's Day thingy! Yeah yeah, see lah, Indonesia gave me a depressing life. ;_; *cry cry cry* Actually, thinking about it, it's actually my parents loh. They don't celebrate any occasion, yes, even our birthdays. Shit them. ;_; Hurhurhur. Ops, I take back my 'shit them' part. I think it's basically they wanted to save more money so that my sister and I could come to Singapore and study. So I'm grateful that they at least sang birthday song to me. WAIT!!! DID THEY EVEN SANG BIRTHDAY SONG TO ME?! *Thinking in progress* ............ Shit, I can't remember...

Okay, I hope they did but yeah I can't remember. ;_; *MUM AND DAD, PLEASE SAY THAT YOU DID SANG ME A BIRTHDAY SONG WHEN I ASK YOU OKAY? DON'T LET ME LIVE A SADFUL LIFE* ;_; I think it's more to a sad-ful childhood lah.

I thought that it would be boring if I didn't add any photo so I decided to post a photo of me with brownish black hair. I somehow scared to dye them black again. -.-

*Hungry from looking at the sushi at the bottom left corner* At first, I really wanted to make a fast post like a very short post but it's getting longer cos I wrote nonsense? :/ I only wanted to write Happy Children's Day, the day when I'm going back to Indo, about DIY, Bugis Street and saving money. But it got longer cos I always get distracted. ;_; It's my character though.

So, I'm going to go straight to the point. I'm going back to Indonesia in 3 more days, woohoooo!! :D It's kind of a mix feeling though. I'm happy that I won't need to spend a single cent as my parents will be paying my expenses but I have no internet at Indonesia. I'm too lazy to go to a cyber cafe so I will just be rotting at home, playing the Sims 3, watching drama, eating nonstop and doing some random stuffs. I hope I won't get back to Singapore with twice the size I am right now. *Praying hard now*

Recently, I have been using my schedule book again. I don't know what it's called but I call it a schedule book. Diary lah, organizer lah or whatever shit lah. It's a book where there is a calendar and you write what thing you need to do. Get it already? :) Like those time in secondary and primary school time where you wrote your homework at? Aiya, I'm bad at explanation, seriously.

Moving on, I have been interested in DIY. Like seriously in love with it. I have the urge to search through all my clothes, bring them to Indonesia and DIY them like mad. I hope it will go well. *Praying again* Now Bugis Street right? Okay, I went to Bugis Street the other day with my mistress, Bernice.

Bernoice and Ellis.

Yes, the left one and not the right one. If you are wondering why the photo's quality is like shit, you can ask Samsung for that and to be more specific, it's a Samsung Galaxy S. Not S2, just an S. Yes, ASS. I'm not being sarcastic or what, I'm just trying to make a pun out of it. ............ No one is laughing right? *Hide at some corner* Okay, skipping those illogical stuffs, I had the urge again to buy those stuffs at BUGIS STREET! NOOOOOOOOO!! I'm trying to save money! ;_;

We were supposed to be going to.... I shall save it for another post. It's just that we ended up going to Bugis Street and we shopped! I think I bought more stuffs than her. Wait, did she buy anything?! *Thinkin- - - - -* Screw it lah! I'm always mind-fucked, for what think so much. Tempted to buy like 3 to 4 tops but in the end I bought something else.

Rolling it to saving money, I'm really trying hard to save money. This will link back to DIY. Okay, this is the end of the post. I don't know why, but I can't wait to end this post. I seriously don't know why. If you are still curious, ask my fickle mind, don't ask me cos I don't think using my brain when I write. I all comes from my heart. Okay, this isn't making anymore sense so I better stop it right now. Goodbye everyone. Sleep well, don't dream of nightmare, it's better to dream of me. I know I'm a nightmare but I'm at least a little bit better than nightmare.

Whut the hell is wrong with me today? I think I'm just too tired from working for 2 days. Shit, I'm working later. Bye. Like seriously working 3 days in a row? FML.

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