
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

116. School

To be honest, I don't feel like typing today since I'm super-ly insanely tired. I don't know if I'm tired because I woke up at 10AM today or because I'm too full. And since it's been quite awhile, I thought I should blog about something. I shall just start with something simple? Today is the first day of school and it's not bad since my class starts at 3PM and it ends at 6PM everyday for a month. But suddenly, I have this Italian class which starts at 6PM to 9PM. -,- I don't know if I should feel happy or sad. 3PM class but ends at 9PM.

Now, I'm multi-tasking. Looking at photos to upload on Facebook and writing this post. Oh, I'm listening to music and thinking as well. *Brain not functioning well*

I wanted to upload the photos today but I think I will do it tomorrow since I'm seriously tired. I'm ending this post as well since I can't think straight anymore. Sorry if I wasted your time but I'm really too tired to even think of what to write. I can honestly say that I actually have a lot of things to write. I wanted to talk about what I had been doing in Indonesia, what I did for last week, what I want to do, myself(?) and future stuffs. But... I will just sign off now, byeeeee.

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