
Monday, October 17, 2011

113. Surprising

Soon, I'm will be really our of things to write for the title. I wanted to use only 1 word for each title but I think it's damn impossible from the way I see it.. Okay, the one thing that I'm really surprised is this photo:

By some chance, I went into my nuffnang and I saw this. I was like "WHAT?!". I understand about the 'Drink that Infinite made in Sesame Player' but the rest is like whut? I seriously don't get it. If you know the reason why those appears, tell me kay? Even the blogger stats also shows the same thing..

I remember only blogging 1 post for SHINee's Key, Ray Ban sunglasses, Dr Martens and heart sunglasses. This is super super-ly weird. And when I checked on google, only the 'Drink that Infinite made in Sesame Player' shows my blog.

Oh, here is the close up photos from above. If you squeezed squinted your eyes for those photos already, I can just say too bad? :/ It's really not my fault..

Moving on, I'm really guilty again. For the past few days, I spent my my parents' money again. ;_; somebody please confiscate my card!! I feel damn bad but I can't stop myself from not shopping. But to be honest, I don't spend as much money already. These days, I will say like "Don't waste money!", "You have something similar to this already!", "NO NO NO NO! SAVE MONEY!" and etc. If I didn't think of this stuffs, you will never know how much will I spend on shopping. -,-

Anyway, my dad allows me to dye my hair each year so yeah, before my year 2, I'm gonna dye my hair again so for now, bear with my black rooted hair, friends! :} If not, pay for me and I will dye my roots~ I think I'm done for now. Goodnight! :D I'm supposed to be asleep by 12AM but.... Yeah, you know... 9 days of no internet... ........... .......... Bye! :)

I feel bad if you need to squint your eyes for it again so yeah, here is the bigger view for it.

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