
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

110. Suit

Hmm, I have been thinking for awhile. I don't know what hair colour suits me. I asked Bernice if I looked nicer with black or the current hair colour that I have. She told me that with blonde hair, it suits my clothes more. So I look nicer with black hair by that? Ice, my ex-college, told me that I look nicer with blonde hair which I joke by saying, "So for the past 17 years of my life, I have been living with a hair colour that doesn't suit me".

Recently, I asked Rosemary, Claire, Bernice(?) and more (I can't remember who), if I would look nicer with a lighter shade of blonde. Like a really white blonde. If not wrong, all of them said "NO!".. ;_; *crying at some corner* I actually decided what hair colour I would want to get, like the style and etc. But all of those are destroyed now. Thanks a lot friends, for telling me the truth even though it hurts badly. *crying at some corner again*

But luckily, I have found another style with this blonde hair! Woohoooo! So happy man and I think not many people used it before! :} As long as I don't see people walking around with the same hair can liao! :D I shall work more and get more money and then I shall change my hair colour! Look forward even though I don't think it's anytime soon! :x

And since I'm already talking about working, I shall complain! Yes, a little bit only.. I have been working for 3 days straight and I think I'm really not young anymore. I can feel the difference, man! Last time when I worked like 6 days in a row, I felt tired but it's still bearable but now, after only 1 day, I can't take it anymore. Maybe it's because I'm not feeling well but I'm pretty sure age plays apart in it. My age is catching up on me, yo! So don't stomp me if you see me sitting down at a 'reserved for elderly' seat inside the bus or MRT.

I wanted to talk about another thing but I guess I shall just write it in another post next time, bye! :}

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