
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

111. Triple

To be honest, all those titles are basically nonsense. It's just something that I made up on the spot when I'm about to write an entry. So if you like or hate any post of mine, just remember the number. It's much more easier to remember. So yeah, I just wanted to talk about nonsense stuffs now.

Recently, I have been thinking of playing the Sims 3 again as I have the urge to make a house. Like design my own room and stuffs. But since the Sims 3 has limited stuffs like the things that I wanted but it's not there. For example, dressing table? Thus I decided that I shall just draw them. I shall start drawing them when I reach Indonesia since I really have nothing to do at there.

I'm going back tomorrow and I still haven't pack my stuffs yet. I'm a super lazy ass girl. Yes, I still can say I'm a girl and not a woman since I'm still under 20 okay? :/ *Playing Sixth Sense by Brown Eyed Girls now* I just like the song currently. Okay, I'm just being random.

I have been thinking a lot of things but they can't seem to stay in my mind as I always thought about them like when I'm about to sleep or when I'm on the bus to go somewhere. -.- I shall make sure I take note of what I'm thinking. Oh! I remembered one of the things that I thought about. I might not look like I have bad temper but I actually do. You can ask my victims such as my parents and my elder sister. They are like 24/7 my victims. I kind of feel bad for them now. *Repenting in action* I thought that I should change myself.

Enough with all the depressing thing and I just forgotten what's the purpose of this post.

*Thinking* *Thinking* *Thinking* *Thinking*.......

*Thinking* *Thinking**Thinking*........

*Thinking* *Thinking*..........


I can't remember....

*Thinking again*.......

Ah! Make ups! Yeah, I think I'm in love with Victoria's Secret and I'm gonna start smelling their mists and perfumes later since I'm going to Bugis Street with my sister. So please beware of me okay? :} I know perfumes are not a part of make ups but who cares. This is my blog. Back to the topic, I have recently develop an interest in make up. Not those dramatic kind. Just simple stuffs such as eyeliners, mascaras, lip gloss, concealers and powders.

I think I'm going to start hunting for them so I guess my hair has to wait.. Perfume first, then make ups and then hair. Yes, I think I will just stick to this for now. My mind is not functioning again so I shall end it here. Bye! :}

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