
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

115. Kimbap part 2

Do you remember about this post I wrote about kimbap last time? You can read it here. This time, I made some when I went to Indonesia with my elder sister. She was kinda unwilling to do since we were like watching drama halfway and then I suggested making some kimbap before going to meet my mother.

Last time when I made kimbap with Rosemary, I didn't list out the stuffs you needed to make kimbap right? To be honest, I just googled it and I actually watch the videos how to make kimbap. Rose just follow along since the other time when I let her try the kimbap, she liked it. So I'm gonna list out the thing and how to make it?

First, skin out the carrot. I don't know the correct term but yeah, just use the peeler or knife to take out the outer of the carrot. Cut the carrot into thin pieces. Since I was somehow in a hurry that time, I just took photo anyhow and I didn't take the whole process. Just try your luck and go by your instinct like some genius chef or watch tutorial. After that, fry it with sesame oil. I don't use any oil or butter beforehand since I thought that sesame oil is enough.

Secondly, cut the cucumber into half like the photo above since I think it makes your life easier by a lot. I think when you are making kimbap, you are supposed to make both cucumber and carrot long but I want to make my life easier by cutting it into half. Take out the seeds inside and then cut them into strips like what you did to the cucumber. I don't know if the things inside the cucumber is seeds or not but it look like that to me. Fry the cucumber as well with sesame oil. When I say fry it with sesame oil, it means literally pouring some sesame oil on the cucumber on the pan.

Thirdly, you need egg. Since I didn't want to make a lot of kimbap, I decided to go with 2 eggs. You are supposed to beat the egg and I actually add water into it. I don't know why I added it. I think it's because of my dad. He told me to add water into the egg and when he did it like that, I seemed to like the egg he made. So yeah, I add water but I was feeling insecure that I put damn little water. And now that I starting to remember about this thing, I actually add an un-cook water into the egg. Indonesia's water from the tap is totally undrinkable. You need to cook boil it first before you drink, unlike Singapore.

Fourth, yellow raddish is a must! I don't know what is the real name but I called it yellow raddish. It tasted a bit weird but I like it. I don't know how to describe the taste so you should try it and you will know what I mean. You don't need to do anything for this. Just leave it aside. Wait, make sure when you are putting this onto the kimbap, take out the water from the yellow raddish!

Fifth, I think you need crabsticks. I totally forgotten about the crabsticks and Indonesia doesn't seem to sell them so I made a kimbap without it. It's fine but it feels that something is missing, only. If you have it, just boil the crabstick.

Sixth, you need things like rice, seaweed and the roller. The roller is the one that you use to roll when making sushi?

I forgotten to tell you that I didn't add any salt into the egg since I forgotten if you need to add or not but I didn't add any salt into it. And you need to pour only a little egg each time! You have to make it into a very thin layer. Not so thin lah but just thin layer. That time when I make kimbap with Rosemary, I think I used 4 eggs and it can make into more than 10 fried egg. Don't scramble it. After that, cut into thin slices.

You see, when I was making this at Indonesia, I'm like super not prepared. I only remember things like crabstick and korean rice on the spot when I was making it. I feel sad whenever I'm thinking about it. Okay, that's all for now. Good luck in making your own kimbap if you felt like making it. To be safe, I recommend you to watch some tutorial on youtube or read some reference from google. Google is my bestfriend, yo! Must promote him/her. I don't know if google got gender or not so to be safe, better put him or her.

Before I end it, the minimal things that you need to make kimbap are:
- Carrots
- Cucumber
- Yellow Raddish
- Eggs
- Crabsticks
- Korean or Japanese rice (they are sticky)

And when my mother tried the kimbap that my sister and I made, she preferred my sister's one!! So unfair lah! It's just because she put salt into the egg and I didn't! I'm going for a healthier egg okay?! :( Goodbye everyone~! :}

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