To be honest, I never celebrated Halloween Day before. But, whatever right?
That was taken just now when I go to work. It was closing time = so there is no people at the back = good time to take photo. Now, whenever I think about Halloween, instead of remembering those pumpkins, it reminds me of Marcus Soh! Since his birthday is on Halloween! :} Quando é il tuo compleanno? il mio compleanno é il trentuno ottobre. That was in Italian. Try google translate if you want.
I told ya that I'm learning Italian.
To be honest, I'm actually scared to take Italian as my CDS but now, I'm enjoying it. Riccardo, my teacher, is pretty funny. He said, "I like Italian but please don't google translate as it damage his 'Italian'." He said something like that but I can't remember his exact words. So if you google translated that sentences on top. You *tsk tsk tsk + shake head*.
My and Marcus' favorite phrase is: Figli Di Cagna! :}
Anyway, I shall start on the serious stuffs but I have no mood to write about the serious stuffs now. But I feel that I cheat your feeling if I didn't write what I'm supposed to. But you all also don't know what I wanted to write right? Unless I stated it which I just did. :/ I think I change my music. *Changing the music now*
You see, I wanted to talk about life. I really have this habit of judging people based on first impression. I know it's not good but that's my character. After I label you to 'I'm okay with you', 'So-so' or 'I don't like you' group, it really depends if I will talk to you or not. If you are in 'I don't like you' group but I talked to you a lot of times and we have things in common, I will get close to you. To be honest, I think I start doing this when I was in Secondary 3. And truthfully, there are a few people from 'I don't like you' group that became friends with me now.
I can clearly remember one of them but the rest are so-so cos I don't really care about them now since I don't talk to them. You see, I really hate making new friends. The reason why is because most of the situation, it's like a group gathering? Like your friends bring a friend(s) but you don't know them so you don't know what to talk about. There are time that it was okay since the other party are friendly but what if that person is shy? To summarise things, I don't really like to make friends and first impression is very important to me... Wait, I think it's more like: I'm anti-social so don't talk to me and first impression is like a life and death situation to me so think act carefully.
Another thing is that don't think so negatively. Actually, that's not really what I wanted to say but I thought I sound write it more nicely. If not, later people bash me. Okay lah, I don't really care already. What I want to write is that, don't think that you are the only person that is having the hardest life out of the people. Like I said, think a little bit more positively. You should think like this whenever you experience something not favorable: "I'm not the only who is experiencing this difficult thing in my life, other people might have worse than what I experienced right now. HAHAHA TOO BAD TOO SAD!" Yeah, you should think it that way.
But screw myself lah, who the hell have the time to think of such a positive thing when you are suffering from a difficult situation right? The more I think it, the more I think that I have a split thinking or something. Not personality but thinking. I think positively and negatively at different timing. That's why my 4Fs couple, Ellis, say that I got a split personality. Oh wait, that was because I was 'Wati' at that time. For your information, 'Wati' is my maid name. Not my maid's name but it's MY maid name. So it's me not my maid. It's taken from 'Setiawati' and Ellis just suddenly name me as 'Wati'. What the hell lah! We are only good to each other on Friday.
Anyway, I think I shall talk about it another time. I shall talk about my friends now. I'm always talk incomplete one. My english sucks. I know it. Don't worry, I shall try to get back my english, somehow. I miss a lot of my friends. UMAYRAH! I MISS YOU SO SO MUCH! THAT NEGATIVE THINKING OF YOURS! OMG I MISS YOU! ADE! I MISS YOU TOO! THAT RANDOM MSN CHAT WITH YOU IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!! ;_; I wanna see these people.

This is basically my usual breakfast+lunch+dinner+supper for weekends and dinner+supper for weekdays.

This is what my sister cook the other day, beef + vege + egg. DAMN GOOD, I SWEAR! Okay, cancel the 'damn' part.

Tasteless plain yogurt + banananana + dried raisins. My sister made for me when I was studying Italian. Thank you! :)

I was supposed to confirm later's lunch with Theresa but I forgotten. Gonna tweet her before I sleep and see how. If she didn't reply me then okay loh, no eat lunch. Wait till dinner so can nom nom at my work place. Okay, it's 5.08AM now so I took 1 hour to write this post. I didn't watch Running Man or anything okay? I concentrated on writing this post. Okay lah, I went to just now to watch 2NE1's Go Away PV and I think that's all? Anyway, ciao everybodeh! :}
P/S: I think you are getting further and further away from me.
P/S 2: I love Yoon Mi Rae! :)
P/S 3: I want my class, DF18, back! :(