
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

53. Time

I know I'm pretty! :) Just kidding -.-

I think I should put my time zone as USA or other country since I always post all the things late by a day.. -.- Moving on, today is my off day from work since I had plan to go out with the SHOWA bitches - Ronald, Isabella and Huiwen. Siti couldn't make it so we had no choice but to go out with the 4 of us only.. Meet at the opposite of Chai Chee Secondary School and I actually miss that place! :'( Headed to Pizza Hut since Isabella has been wanting to eat there and I thought Vivian going to work on that day but eventually, she was not working! D:

After lunch, headed to 313 Somerset and watched Sucker Punch. I don't really like it. Not my type of movie but thanks to Ronald, I'm able to somewhat understand the story. He watched Sucker Punch before. This was his 2nd time watching it. Afterwards, we headed to Fat Boy's for dinner! :) It's already planned okay? Now that I think about it, all are my ideas. From eating at Pizza Hut, catching a movie and eating at Fat Boy's.. Well, I'm just too awesome! :)

Had Kebab and sorry, I didn't take any photo of it since I didn't even remember about taking photo of it. Drank Hoegaarden from the straw with Ronald and Huiwen. Isabella dare not drink so can't force her. I don't want to screw someone's life! :D Okay lah, drinking is not that bad but must control one. I think I have been drinking these past few days, especially. -.- I stayed back since I actually planned to had a drink with Rosemary, Ethel and my sister. But in the end, Ethel can't make it since she is too tired and she got school the next day.

Instead of having a drink, went to drink the Ice Lemon Tea and Barley~ Had Prawn Paste Chicken Wings and Kangkong at 126 Beer Garden.. We had no choice but to go there since there is no other 24/7 eatery place. Cabbed home and chatted with Rosemary. We actually webcammed for 2 hours and 16 minutes~ Evidence?

Alright, I'm not that crazy to webcammed with someone for 2 hours straight okay? Maybe next time I will do that but we actually didn't talked most of the time. We just switched on the webcam and do our things. She was planning about what she gonna bring her parents to when they come to Singapore while I was sorting out all the money that I have been spending. Oh my gosh, I feel like fainting while trying to remember what the fish I bought and etc.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

52. OH MY!

Hi, I'm back! :) I think I'm really going to post a really long post so get ready! :) Fist of all, I'm starting to wonder who the hell actually read my blog. Like serious, I don't really think anybody read my blog. Alright, I think a few people who knows my blog via twitter and facebook will be reading my blog and they should be people from Singapore, mainly. But, I have people over the world from some random countries reading my blog. Okay, I have a feeling that Alicia Ly, Katherine Lee and Sukanya are the only one who are from another country that are reading my blog. -.- So who are the freaking rest?

Moving on, I gotta confess something.... Alright, I shall not confess now while considering about the people who read my blog. I shall just confess to my good friends.. Hmm, from last time, I really thought that not a lot of people smoke in Singapore. When I went to Korea for a holiday, almost 90% of the people there smoke. So when I went back to Singapore, I kept telling some of my friends that a lot of people in Korea smokes and I kept think that those Korean singers actually smokes. Like you know, smoking is bad for health so I really wonders if they smokes.

Not gonna care about them and really talk about what I want to talk about. After working at Fat Boy's, I now think that a lot of people in Singapore actually smokes. Among all the people who works there, I think only 4 people including, don't smoke. It's really what the hell lah. I think I need to update my thinking. It's probably because I used to hang out with people from my school too much and just because they don't smoke, I think the whole world don't smoke.. -.- I know it's childish of me to think that way but I was freaking around 15 to 17 years old that time.. Okay, it's quite old but what? I'm freaking innocent okay? :/

Today, I did my first closing ever since I worked at Fat Boy's! Woohooo! I'm a senior man! :) I'm somewhat 'supervisor' for a day! It's freaking awesome but tiring! Especially with the stocking of things and counting the money one by one. I don't know how many times did I redo all the counting of the money.. I think it's getting dry now so you can actually move on to another blog. All that I'm going to blog after this is somewhat an inside joke that only a few people know such as Fat Boy's people? :)

Remember this 126 Beer Garden? MUAHAHAHA!
And the barley and ice lemon tea thing? :D

Okay okay, I went to "chill" with Rosemary and my sister just now and we ate a lot. I also had a "few" drink and a lot of one shot so I was a bit tipsy. Well, I'm not tipsy by now since it's been 2 hour since I last drank.. Sometimes, I'm a little bit reluctant to have a boyfriend. I know that having one is nice and etc but it's freaking troublesome. It's fun being single and you won't get any restrictions.. Shall not talk about this and gonna be all excited since I'm meeting Isabella, Huiwen and Ronald later on in 6 hour and 30 minutes! Man, I'm so dead. I'm still a little -.- now and I gonna sleep for like 4 hours? Wish me luck! :)

It's my first time playing with my phone camera! :)
Awesomeness! ♥

To Mr Lee MW, can you seriously let her go to the company gathering? It will be like my one and only chance to go to there okay? I really want her to go to there for the first time of mine! :( I don't care if you gonna come along now. At first, I don't want you to tag along since you will be somewhat the only outcast since you don't know the people at FB but screw it now. As long as she can go, I don't care about anything else..

Friday, March 25, 2011

51. Chill

I was supposed to meet Rosemary at Parkway by 1PM but we both woke up late. -.- In the end, we meet each other at Parkway at around 2.30PM. Of course, she reached first cos her house is nearer to Parkway than mine.. I'm not late! It's just that she is faster than me! :D Ate at Sakae since I really wanted to eat the soft shell crab and gyoza.. Afterwards, headed to Ion's Sephora and Daiso.. Then headed to 313's Forever 21, Zara, Charles and Keith, and Cotton On.. Bought so many things at Forever 21! :( Feeling guilty about it now..

Since it was almost 7.30PM, we rushed to Orchard Central since I wanted to go Cold Stone Creamery.. While searching for the place, went to buy a pouch for my polaroid. Kinda regret that I bought it since I wanted to buy a pouch from Gmarket but what's already done is done? After finding Cold Stone Creamery, decided to leave since it was damn crowded! :( Took bus 16 to Fat Boy's! Aha! If you are thinking that I won't be posting about Fat Boy's, you are definitely wrong! BOOHOOOO! You are tricked! :D

Had Bolly Wolly which Justin recommended but it totally weird. Not my taste so I'm not gonna recommend it to my customers.. Hahaha, sorry bosses! :/ Anyway, we ordered a lot of food like Chicken Ceaser Salad, Smoked Bacon Sausages, Bolly Wolly and The Burgatory. We were sitting next to the bosses' table since we were told to sit there? When the food arrived, one of the bosses said: "You never eat from just now is it?" Lol, I think he was so shocked to see us order so many food. But in the end, I didn't finish my burger at all. Only at half of it since I was totally full. -.-

When we decided to go change table, the table that we wanted was 'snatched' so I had to move to another table. We just sat there and chill? Gonna thanks Justin Choo for treating us a drink each! :) Since he was working, his brother came and waited for him. Talked to his bother and took a photo with the brothers! :} I just realised that some of Jasper's, Justin Choo's brother, friends came to eat at Fat Boy's before. They looked damn familiar since I saw them thrice (counting today). Later on, Justin, our boss, treated us to a drink each as well.. Then had some photo sessions(?) and talked with Alan, one of the bosses as well. He send us home afterwards since there is no more bus left.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

50. Arrived

I wanted to post about the stuff that I bought from Gmarket but my phone is charging now so I can't take a photo of it.. Hmm, what I want to say is that, I received one of the things that I bought from Gmarket! WOOHOOO! :D It took 4 days after I bought it! Or was it 3 days? I don't know but it's pretty awesome! It's good in quality and etc etc. The thing that I regretted is that I should have bought the other type instead of the one that I bought. Will upload a picture next time! :)

Anyway, since it's gonna be boring without a post about Fat Boy's, I'm gonna post one now~ Muahahaha! :D Took my polaroid to Fat Boy's again and took with a few people! Awesome man! The thing is that I really use a lot of money to buy the film.. TT_TT Since photos speaks a thousand words right (whatever the correct phrase should be), I shall just post all the photos here! :}

1st photo (left): Me and Misuari! :}
2nd photo (right): Aaron and me! :D

1st photo (left): Me and one of my bosses, Justin! 8D
2nd photo (right): Justin and my sister! :)

1st photo(left): Ethel & Razak! :}
2nd photo (right): Razak and me! :)

Claire and me! :)

Both photos: Claire, Ethel and me! :)

Awesomeness! :D

We were having fun with taking polaroid that we totally forgotten about the shop.. -.- Well, there is not many people that comes today so I told Ethel that whenever I'm working, it seems that there is not many customers. Then she said: "Then how do you explain about Saturday and Sunday?" and I replied her: "Cos it's weekends?" and she said: "Rubbish -.-" Hahaha, shall work harder at Fat Boy's! :) Now I start remembering about Aaron going to quit Fat Boy's cos he needs to go for army! :( Damn sad lah! Everyone, one by one, is quitting and cannot see them anymore! D;

Claire pasted this one the cashier there! Hahahah :)
If you not sure if you go to the correct place to find me, you can always see the cashier!
And if you see this polaroid, means that you come to the correct place! :}

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

49. Films

Alright, I'm here to show off my awesome photos that I took at Fat Boy's just now! ♥ Okay, seriously, I think that the films for polaroid are freaking expensive and they are like trying to squeeze out your money. But, I somewhat prepared for it cos I seriously like polaroid and I really want to own one. So, I went to Fat Boy's to take! :} At first, I went to Parkway with my sister to look around and eat at Sakae Sushi since I really have been wanting to eat the Cha Soba and the Soft Shell Crab. Afterwards, headed to Fat Boy's with her since she meeting her friends and I wanted to show off my awesome Hello Kitty polaroid to visit Rosemary.

Helped out at Fat Boy's instead and once again, I'm working FOC. -.- I'm seriously too nice already and the bosses actually acknowledge that I'm working FOC most of the time.. Hahaha, I'm awesome aren't I? So after helping out a little, I asked Alan to treat me since he "promised" to treat me and he asked me what I want. At first, I hesitated since there are other bosses and I felt bad as I asked Justin to treat me before but in the end, I asked for Chicken Ceaser Salad.. :D

Even though I had to go through a difficult time asking Alan to treat me, Rosemary ate 60% of it cos she said it's nice and kept eating it. Then, she bites her ulcer twice~ Muahahahaha! :D Moving on, I was a little bit sad when it was time for closing and I didn't even managed to take any photos so I asked Ethel to take photo with me. In the end, I managed to take with the 2 bosses, Ethel, Rosemary and Fridaus. Justin was there but he went home first.. Gonna bring my polaroid everyday so that when JADEN comes, I can take photo with him! :}

All of the polaroid photos that we took! :D

Don't asked me where the hell I'm looking at as I also don't know where the hell I was looking at.. -.- Rosemary, me and Ethel! :D

Barry, the father of the awesome Jaden! :D
One of the bosses of Fat Boy's~

This criminal faced guy in the middle is ALAN TAN! :}
One of the bosses of Fat Boy's as well!

Rosemary&Ethel :)

Rose and memememe! :}

Fridaus and me! :D

Ethel and me! :)

Rose and Fridaus! :}

After all the photo taking session, I went to have supper with Rose at the nearby hawker center eating place. When we were about to pay for the food, we went: "Oh shit, I don't have money today" -.- We were practically looking for our coins and notes at our wallet. In the end, I paid $3 for the food and Rose paid $1 for the food. For your information, we shared the food. Even though I paid more, I only ate a few spoons of the noodle and the vegetables.. -.-

Yeah, I ate all those vegetables that Rosemary put at the side.. TT_TT

Sunday, March 20, 2011

48. Hello Kitty

Heeyheyheey! :} I needa blog about my awesome polaroid! Yesyesyesyes, I finally bought one with my own money! I feel damn happy about owning one! :D The feeling is like finally? I've been wanting to have one since last 2 years? Or was it from last year? -.- Can't remember but yeah, I need to show off my HELLO KITTY INSTAX MINI 25 polaroid! Kekekekeke~

I bought 40 films from Gmarket but I don't think it will come anytime soon so I bought 20 films from Kodak? And guess what, they cost freaking $26.80! D: I was so shocked when I was at the cashier.. But in the end, I still bought it since I have no choice? I don't know when the stuffs from Gmarket will be arriving so I got to get the films..

Saturday, March 19, 2011

47. Happy

Hmm, what should I say? ANOTHER POST ABOUT FAT BOY'S! :D Kekekeke, first of all, I gonna say that I tried a lot of food from Fat Boy's by now. When I first started working at Fat Boy's, I definitely told myself that I'm not gonna buy anything from there cos it's freaking expensive but now, I ate really a lot of things from there.. -.- I tried Wimpy beef, Holy Ceaser, Mahalo, Kebab (my boss aka Justin, gave me a little to try), Chicken Ceaser Salad, Fish & Chip (Rosemary gave me a bite when she was having lunch at there with Vivian), Waffle with ice cream, Crispy Calamari, Beer Bettered Onion Rings and Spicy Hot Wings (is it 'spicy' or 'crispy'? I can't remember).

Usually, when you order a waffle with ice cream, you can only choose one flavor but my awesome boss, Justin, gave me 2 extra ice creams! :D I asked him to treat me for the waffle but actually I already paid for the waffle so I asked him to give me another ice cream. In the end, he scooped the ice cream for me as well.. The boss did that for me! :) I actually said: "Can I have all the flavors?" when he was scooping the ice cream and he asked: "You like ice cream?" Of course I replied him with a yes!

While he was scooping the ice creams, I asked him to treat us (the workers at Fat Boy's) to something nice and he said okay. I pretty much sure that he gonna treat us to a drink cos most of the workers at Fat Boy's drink. Just now, Justin gave a whole bottle of whisky to the kitchen staffs! D: If my sister is not there, I will definitely drink it but yeah, didn't drink it in the end.. TT_TT Hopefully the day that my bosses treat the staffs will come pretty soon! :}

Friday, March 18, 2011

46. OUT

Finally, a post not connected about Fat Boy's (for now)! :} Firstly, I didn't sleep at all.. Well, it's more like I slept for around 30 minutes but it can't be really counted as sleeping right? Went to Ngee Ann Polytechnic to go accompany my sister to do some thing (I think it was a waste of time). At around 11AM, reached Parkway and then ate breakfast to keep myself awake.. Went home and slept for another 30 minutes before meeting Huiwen twin at Roxy Square. We ate at Fat Boy's and then headed to Parkway to look around before I go back to Fat Boy's to work. -.-

When I reached Fat Boy's, I just realised that Ethel didn't sleep at all. At first, I was still hyper and did all my things correctly but afterwards, I really got no energy. I don't even feel like talking or moving an inch from the spot that I'm standing at. Rosemary went: "Are you okay or not?" when I was not being normal.. -.- It was really tiring but at the same time, a lot of funny and good things happened! :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

45. Gmarket

Okay, I know that the guy is handsome/cute but the main point that I'm going to talk about is Gmarket. Screw the korean words or the korean idol if you don't like Korea okay? But I think Korea is awesome and G-Dragon is hot alright? :) I think he was recruited to endorse for Gmarket cos of the similarity of his name and the online shop: G-Dragon and Gmarket. I was bullshitting so don't trust my theory okay? :x

Moving on, I just happened to look at Gmarket by some reason. I can't remember why I was looking through Gmarket but I ended up looking for stuffs like polaroid? Alright, I think it was because I was looking at polaroid stuffs. -.- At first I thought I can only buy things at Gmarket if I'm staying at Korea so I was asking Rosemary to help me buy but I just realised that Gmarket is kind of international. So I ended up purchasing 2 things by now. I'm gonna purchase 2 more things later on. Yes, all related to polaroid and now you can guess how much dedication I gave to my polaroid. I will post when my things arrive but I bet I will only post it in around 4 to 5 weeks because I choose normal shipping.

And I need to warn people if they gonna buy korean things in Singapore. DON'T FREAKING BUY ANYTHING THAT IS IMPORTED IN SINGAPORE OKAY? They are freaking 2 or 3 times more expensive than what they are supposed to cost in Korea. I went to Korea before so I roughly know what is the pricing supposed to be. I bought this planner for my sister's birthday from korea and it cost 15,000 won (around $17) but when I checked at one of the shop in Singapore, it freaking cost $30 plus. -.-

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

44. Yes

Heya! I'm here to talk about my workplace again~ Muahahahaha! :} Like I said, I have nothing to blog except my workplace. Don't just blame me for all the boring posts! If you want an interesting post, bring me out! :D I'm gonna pray that my bosses at my workplace will treat all the workers someday! *Cross fingers!* Wait, was I supposed to cross my fingers or not? o.o Well, whatever. -.- Can't bother to know if I do it right or wrong..

I really hate to work on Monday to Thursday especially morning shift! The reason? It's because it's super boring! :( Only around 13 people will eat at Fat Boy's for lunch.. However, for dinner, no need to say anything as it will be super fun since there are a lot of people! :} Thus, I really hope that I will get all night shift except for Friday, Saturday and Sunday! :)

Today, there is a new waitress and her name is Joy.. Well, Ethel was supposed to explain everything to her but I ended up explaining half of the things to her. I can't believe that I'm actually explaining things to someone! :) I'm a senior at Fat Boy's now! MUAHAHAHAHA! Praise me people!! :D Moving on, I just realised that I always work for free.. -.- When I'm waiting for Rosemary to end work, I will ended up helping Fat Boy's with stuffs. So, I came up with a conclusion and that is, I'm a super kind person~

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

43. People

I seriously have nothing to talk about except about my workplace. Hey, it's not my fault okay? I'm working my ass off almost everyday. Thus I really have nothing to write about. Well, I actually want to introduce the people working at Fat Boy's but I do not have their photos? Well, I can only show you one which is Rosemary. -.-

Alright, I think I have something to post about now since I remember something that happened yesterday the yesterday (Saturday). Well, it just happened that I was waiting for Rosemary and I don't know where did she disappear to since she has already signed out. Eventually, I found her at the kitchen, exchanging numbers with the kitchen staffs. Thus, I decided to exchange number as well.. Afterwards, the kitchen became a place where we hang out? That's what one of the bosses said when he saw us chit chatting with one another.. Soon, I asked all the people at the workplace at that time - the 3 bosses, the floor staff (basically, the waitresses & waiters) and the kitchen staffs..

Moving on, I shall introduce all the staffs (both the floor and kitchen staffs) and the bosses that I know or worked before. Firstly, as I have said earlier, I have 4 bosses. It's pretty difficult to actually explain the whole relationship thing (I did last time and I even draw the map for it). Their name is Bernie, Barry, Alan and Justin. I will explain it on another post I guess? I will even draw their relationship map to upload alright? The floor staffs are Ethel, Rosemary, Jerome, my sis and me. There are other floor staffs like Nicolette and JayJay (not his real name) but they are currently MIA. The supervisor is Ronald and the ex-supervisor is Henry (he is currently under floor staffs since he is not a full-timer now). The kitchen staffs are Firdaus, Razak, Aaron and Misuari. There is another kitchen staff but currently he is not working or he quitted and his name is Kagen.

Since it will be quite boring without a picture for the post, I actually googled Fat Boy's and there is actually 3 people who blogged about their experience eating at Fat Boy's but sadly, it's not Joo Chiat branch. Well, whatever lah, as long as at least 3 people blogged about Fat Boy's, I'm pretty much happy. :) The picture above is from Fat Boy's Joo Chiat okay? This is how the burger bar looks like.. Simple and nice! :}

For those people who actually think that I created the part about "there is actually 3 people who blogged about their experience eating at Fat Boy's", here are the evidence.. Link 1, Link 2 and Link 3. And another thing is that someone actually made a fan page for Fat Boy's okay? It's not the bosses (I didn't ask them yet) but just imagine that someone made it because he or she likes the food from my workplace! :D Don't believe me again? Click here.

Monday, March 14, 2011

42. Place

Basically, I want to talk about my awesome workplace! :} I think a lot of my friends do not know where the hell I worked except for Danah, Guanan, Jonathan Ang, Ern and Jackson. Well, they visited me before on my 3rd day of work (I think). Was really happy when they visited me! :D Thus I decided to be kind and give direction to where the hell is the most awesome burger shop. I really think that my workplace is better than McDonald's burgers. Credits to the kitchen staffs!

It's really near parkway! You can take bus 16 and stop right after it passes the stop before Parkway Parade. Just walk straight till you see this:

Along this lonely road where no one actually walks:

As long as you see this building (below) beside my workplace, you are definitely not lost! Basically, you have come to the correct place! :}

The banner of the shop is cooler than the picture above the above the above alright? Since the google map is not updated since 2009, I had no choice but to edit it. Tsk tsk tsk, google map, you need to update yourself if not you are lagging behind the society! -.- Okay, I don't think I put the words correctly but as long as you get what I'm trying to say, I think it's enough? My english is not perfect alright?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

41. Hair

First of all, I went to cut my hair fringe today. My fringe is really damn long okay? For your information, I didn't cut it since last year.. Wait, was it last year or last last year? I can't remember since it's has been a long time. -.- I have a bad memory so can't blame me if I can't remember anything.. Hmm, maybe the last time I cut my fringe was around December 2009? Pretty long right and anyway, my fringe reached below my chin.. For a clearer imagination, here is the picture of my fringe! :}

Moving on, I pretty like my fringe now cos it makes me look younger. What should I say? Having long fringe and short fringe have their own advantage and disadvantage.. I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone but for me, having a long fringe, it will make me look older. The good thing is that my face shape doesn't really show clearly. Well, I have a complex about my face shape! :(

Since I have a total round face, it will make me look fat no matter what I do. I can't take nice photo and more.. Thus, when I cut my fringe, my round face shape totally can be seen! D: Even though having short fringe will help me look younger, I totally dislike the fact that it will show the round face! Moreover, since I have a wavy hair, I really hate to cut my hair since it will make my hair curl back. Therefore, every year I had to rebond my hair. TT_TT totally killing all my hair cell! Why can't I have straight hair? :{ Below is the before and after I cut my fringe. The left photo is before and the right photo is after.. Can see right? :)

By the way, I don't photoshop my photos okay? I don't know why my round shaped face doesn't show up on the two photos above.. And I know that it's a bad idea to compare a total 2 different expression photo together.. Well, whatever? :D

Friday, March 11, 2011

40. Black/White

After thinking a few times, I have decided to buy an iPad. Yes, I'm going to wait for iPad 2 to come out be launch in Singapore first. Not gonna regret like what I did when I bought my iTouch. Bought it a few months before the new iTouch came out. Fish it! :( Anyway, I'm still missing my iTouch though. May you rest in peace! I don't know where you are now but I hope that the person who got it now will treat you nicely!

I'm still not too sure if I should buy black or white. I actually decided to buy the white since I always buy black but I think black will be nicer? Hmm, since the old iPad only have black, I might be buying white so that people definitely can see that I'm using iPad 2 and not iPad only.. Hahahaha, show off I guess? -.- Anyway, I haven't tell my dad if I can buy iPad or not. Maybe if I tell him and he allows me to buy, he might be willing to pay for the whole thing or maybe half of it? :D

Since it's coming out in April, I can save up money for it. I somehow checked the price for iPad 2 and if I'm going to buy the 32GB one, it will be less than $900.. 16GB is definitely not enough since my music alone is 11GB.. -.- Not sure if I will download a lot of games but just in case right? If I put movie or anything like that.. Anyway, I shall ask the people at my workplace about which one is nicer~

39. Fat Boy's

Just turn your head alright? I'm too lazy to change the photo.. Well, I took it that way so it turned out like that. Moving on, I'm pretty happy with Fat Boy's. The food and drinks are good, the people working there are nice and the bosses are friendly as well.. It's pretty much fun everyday and I really regret that I didn't work earlier. Other than that, I feel a little uncomfortable nowadays. The reason? Only Rosemary knows it..

Alright, shall not talk about unhappy stuffs and the people working at Fat Boy's are really young! The waitresses are around 17 to 22 years old only. I was freaking shocked when I first know it.. Another thing is that my work place really tricks people. They all look younger than their real age? I have 4 bosses who actually look like their mid to late twenties but they are all early and mid thirties! -.-

Anyways, I have finally put in the money on my bank! :) My first ever bank that I created myself!! If I had known that below 21 years old, there is no minimum that is needed to create an account, I will have make it earlier! D:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

38. Back

I really want to buy a polaroid! :( I know which model I want but it's freaking difficult for me to even buy one! Anyway, I need to create a bank account under my name! I have a bank account under my name but I can't take out any money from it since I didn't change the system yet. It's complicated to explain it so I'm going to summarise it by saying that I need a bank account under my name soon! I got my pay from Fat Boy's and I haven't bank it in yet! Man, I really need to make an account soon! I shall wake up super early tomorrow and go make an account.

Moving on, I have been sleeping at around 6AM and waking up at 4PM everyday. This is seriously bad and I need to change my habit. It's like my body clock is fix at these 2 timing. Hmm, I shall try my best to change starting from tomorrow. I got work at 12PM later on so hopefully I can wake up by 10AM and do my account first and whatever shit thing and then reach Fat Boy's at 12PM! :) Wish me luck!

37. Thinking

Should I cut my hair short again? I have been missing my short hair! ㅠ.ㅠ Well, what I'm confirm with is that I want to cut my fringe. It's really long and I'm going to cut it shorter once I rebond my hair. The question is that when will I ever rebond my hair again? My dad allows me to rebond my hair in Singapore even though the price is totally oh my gosh. The problem is that I'm working everything and I need to tie my hair when I'm working. Since rebonding does not allow you to tie your hair for a few days, it's definitely a no no to rebond in Singapore. Thus, the only way is to go back to Indonesia to rebond.

So when will I go back to Indonesia? :( I only want to stay at Indonesia for a week and not more than 10 days! I seriously can't live in Indonesia. No internet and nothing to do. Well, my dad going to get me a tuition for photography this time round since I'm going to go into a media course. Anyway, since I'm talking about Indonesia, I might as well say this. This is seriously the first time I want to go back to Indonesia. For what reason? Firstly, BASKIN ROBBINS! Second is rebonding! Thirdly, ........ I don't know what FOOD! Yes!! I mean snacks.. Fourth? I seriously don't remember.. -.-

36. Needs

First of all, I really need shorts and shirts now! D: Shorts are more important than shirts currently!! Been wanting to go to Bugis Street to hunt for shorts but have no time.. Work non-stop (almost) everyday. At first, there are a lot of worker at my shop but one of them quit, one of them has to go to school, one is question mark and one more is cannot make it. Thus, only left Rosemary and me as the only available worker there. What should I say? It's nice that only the two of us left as we will have more shifts to work. Moreover, our bosses and one of the bosses' wife help as well! :}

It's pretty fun and I like the way how busy the place become! :) To be honest, I hate the way people complain and when they think damn slow even though they say they are ready to order but it's also really nice. The time passed freaking fast and you won't remember who you are. I like to work especially on Friday, Saturday and Sunday since it's the busiest time of the week! :D Hmm, gonna work really hard until I start schooling! Hopefully I gets into TP so I can at least work during the weekend! :}

Saturday, March 5, 2011

35. Ages

I just can't believe that it has been almost 3 years since I 'officially' started blogging. The first blog that I posted was on 17 May 2009 2008. I remembered that I blogged before that but I deleted the evidence? :x I just can't believe that it has been that long.. I have really wasted my time by blogging? I should have studied back then. What the hell was I doing? -.- Got time then study! Just thinking about the time that I wasted by playing, slacking and doing nonsense stuffs instead of studying. I'm sure that I will get a better score if I studied more seriously.

Since I'm talking about 'regretting', I shall just blog about all the things that I regretted. Firstly, studies. Secondly, part time job. I should have find work straight away after I finish my Os. Why the hell that I waited until January 2011 to find work? I should work my ass off after my paper ended! Like around mid November 2010? Oh my shit, why did I waste so much of my time by playing? End of November 2010, I went back to Indonesia. Start of December 2010 to mid of December 2010, went to Korea for holiday.. WHAT WAS I DOING AT THE END MID OF DECEMBER 2010?! TT_TT

Going to repent about all those above later when I'm going to sleep. Man, I wish I could manage my time more properly.. Bought organiser which failed to help me organise my time. Damn, I need a human to organise my time. Hmm, what should I say? I just need to be more discipline? I know that I'm late for like 2 months and 4 days but I still gonna say it even though it's a bit embarrassing to say it now.. My New Year Resolution will be become more discipline.. Night! :}

34. Broke

I spend a total of $111 for shopping yesterday at Bugis and I really feel like crying. I spend so much money!! :( I bought a sling bang for $18, a yellow bag pack for $17, a red polkadot bag pack for $18, a short for $26.10, DE tape for $2.90, 5 pair of earrings for $9 and 2 tees for $20.. When you total them up, it's equal to $111.. I really regretted that I bought that yellow bag pack even though it's nice! TT_TT

In addition, I still haven't bought my polaroid! D: My dad finally allows me to buy it even though he felt that it is an unnecessary stuff. What should I say? Because I told him that polaroid will be a good thing for my media course and he suddenly allows me to buy it. -.-