
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

43. People

I seriously have nothing to talk about except about my workplace. Hey, it's not my fault okay? I'm working my ass off almost everyday. Thus I really have nothing to write about. Well, I actually want to introduce the people working at Fat Boy's but I do not have their photos? Well, I can only show you one which is Rosemary. -.-

Alright, I think I have something to post about now since I remember something that happened yesterday the yesterday (Saturday). Well, it just happened that I was waiting for Rosemary and I don't know where did she disappear to since she has already signed out. Eventually, I found her at the kitchen, exchanging numbers with the kitchen staffs. Thus, I decided to exchange number as well.. Afterwards, the kitchen became a place where we hang out? That's what one of the bosses said when he saw us chit chatting with one another.. Soon, I asked all the people at the workplace at that time - the 3 bosses, the floor staff (basically, the waitresses & waiters) and the kitchen staffs..

Moving on, I shall introduce all the staffs (both the floor and kitchen staffs) and the bosses that I know or worked before. Firstly, as I have said earlier, I have 4 bosses. It's pretty difficult to actually explain the whole relationship thing (I did last time and I even draw the map for it). Their name is Bernie, Barry, Alan and Justin. I will explain it on another post I guess? I will even draw their relationship map to upload alright? The floor staffs are Ethel, Rosemary, Jerome, my sis and me. There are other floor staffs like Nicolette and JayJay (not his real name) but they are currently MIA. The supervisor is Ronald and the ex-supervisor is Henry (he is currently under floor staffs since he is not a full-timer now). The kitchen staffs are Firdaus, Razak, Aaron and Misuari. There is another kitchen staff but currently he is not working or he quitted and his name is Kagen.

Since it will be quite boring without a picture for the post, I actually googled Fat Boy's and there is actually 3 people who blogged about their experience eating at Fat Boy's but sadly, it's not Joo Chiat branch. Well, whatever lah, as long as at least 3 people blogged about Fat Boy's, I'm pretty much happy. :) The picture above is from Fat Boy's Joo Chiat okay? This is how the burger bar looks like.. Simple and nice! :}

For those people who actually think that I created the part about "there is actually 3 people who blogged about their experience eating at Fat Boy's", here are the evidence.. Link 1, Link 2 and Link 3. And another thing is that someone actually made a fan page for Fat Boy's okay? It's not the bosses (I didn't ask them yet) but just imagine that someone made it because he or she likes the food from my workplace! :D Don't believe me again? Click here.

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