
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

52. OH MY!

Hi, I'm back! :) I think I'm really going to post a really long post so get ready! :) Fist of all, I'm starting to wonder who the hell actually read my blog. Like serious, I don't really think anybody read my blog. Alright, I think a few people who knows my blog via twitter and facebook will be reading my blog and they should be people from Singapore, mainly. But, I have people over the world from some random countries reading my blog. Okay, I have a feeling that Alicia Ly, Katherine Lee and Sukanya are the only one who are from another country that are reading my blog. -.- So who are the freaking rest?

Moving on, I gotta confess something.... Alright, I shall not confess now while considering about the people who read my blog. I shall just confess to my good friends.. Hmm, from last time, I really thought that not a lot of people smoke in Singapore. When I went to Korea for a holiday, almost 90% of the people there smoke. So when I went back to Singapore, I kept telling some of my friends that a lot of people in Korea smokes and I kept think that those Korean singers actually smokes. Like you know, smoking is bad for health so I really wonders if they smokes.

Not gonna care about them and really talk about what I want to talk about. After working at Fat Boy's, I now think that a lot of people in Singapore actually smokes. Among all the people who works there, I think only 4 people including, don't smoke. It's really what the hell lah. I think I need to update my thinking. It's probably because I used to hang out with people from my school too much and just because they don't smoke, I think the whole world don't smoke.. -.- I know it's childish of me to think that way but I was freaking around 15 to 17 years old that time.. Okay, it's quite old but what? I'm freaking innocent okay? :/

Today, I did my first closing ever since I worked at Fat Boy's! Woohooo! I'm a senior man! :) I'm somewhat 'supervisor' for a day! It's freaking awesome but tiring! Especially with the stocking of things and counting the money one by one. I don't know how many times did I redo all the counting of the money.. I think it's getting dry now so you can actually move on to another blog. All that I'm going to blog after this is somewhat an inside joke that only a few people know such as Fat Boy's people? :)

Remember this 126 Beer Garden? MUAHAHAHA!
And the barley and ice lemon tea thing? :D

Okay okay, I went to "chill" with Rosemary and my sister just now and we ate a lot. I also had a "few" drink and a lot of one shot so I was a bit tipsy. Well, I'm not tipsy by now since it's been 2 hour since I last drank.. Sometimes, I'm a little bit reluctant to have a boyfriend. I know that having one is nice and etc but it's freaking troublesome. It's fun being single and you won't get any restrictions.. Shall not talk about this and gonna be all excited since I'm meeting Isabella, Huiwen and Ronald later on in 6 hour and 30 minutes! Man, I'm so dead. I'm still a little -.- now and I gonna sleep for like 4 hours? Wish me luck! :)

It's my first time playing with my phone camera! :)
Awesomeness! ♥

To Mr Lee MW, can you seriously let her go to the company gathering? It will be like my one and only chance to go to there okay? I really want her to go to there for the first time of mine! :( I don't care if you gonna come along now. At first, I don't want you to tag along since you will be somewhat the only outcast since you don't know the people at FB but screw it now. As long as she can go, I don't care about anything else..

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