It has been ages since I last blogged. Well, what should I say? I got my first pay which is woohoo! :} I worked before at Thai Express but they didn't give me my pay and worse of all, they were supposed to call me for my schedule but they didn't. Scam? Well, whatever lah. I totally forgotten about their existence. One of the boss at Fat Boy's said this when I told them about Thai Express: "They never call you because you cannot speak Thai right?"
Moving on, I also got an interview appointment with Temasek Poly! Oh my gosh! I'm freaking happy alright? It's like they are giving me an opportunity to go to TP! :) The only sad thing is that I won't be able to see a lot of familiar faces in TP. Well, maybe 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Yeah, 5 faces only.. I heard that a lot of people from Chai Chee entered Republic Poly.. Ade, Ern, Nadhrah, Haekal and more?
that's so good huh? :)