
Friday, March 11, 2011

39. Fat Boy's

Just turn your head alright? I'm too lazy to change the photo.. Well, I took it that way so it turned out like that. Moving on, I'm pretty happy with Fat Boy's. The food and drinks are good, the people working there are nice and the bosses are friendly as well.. It's pretty much fun everyday and I really regret that I didn't work earlier. Other than that, I feel a little uncomfortable nowadays. The reason? Only Rosemary knows it..

Alright, shall not talk about unhappy stuffs and the people working at Fat Boy's are really young! The waitresses are around 17 to 22 years old only. I was freaking shocked when I first know it.. Another thing is that my work place really tricks people. They all look younger than their real age? I have 4 bosses who actually look like their mid to late twenties but they are all early and mid thirties! -.-

Anyways, I have finally put in the money on my bank! :) My first ever bank that I created myself!! If I had known that below 21 years old, there is no minimum that is needed to create an account, I will have make it earlier! D:

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