
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

49. Films

Alright, I'm here to show off my awesome photos that I took at Fat Boy's just now! ♥ Okay, seriously, I think that the films for polaroid are freaking expensive and they are like trying to squeeze out your money. But, I somewhat prepared for it cos I seriously like polaroid and I really want to own one. So, I went to Fat Boy's to take! :} At first, I went to Parkway with my sister to look around and eat at Sakae Sushi since I really have been wanting to eat the Cha Soba and the Soft Shell Crab. Afterwards, headed to Fat Boy's with her since she meeting her friends and I wanted to show off my awesome Hello Kitty polaroid to visit Rosemary.

Helped out at Fat Boy's instead and once again, I'm working FOC. -.- I'm seriously too nice already and the bosses actually acknowledge that I'm working FOC most of the time.. Hahaha, I'm awesome aren't I? So after helping out a little, I asked Alan to treat me since he "promised" to treat me and he asked me what I want. At first, I hesitated since there are other bosses and I felt bad as I asked Justin to treat me before but in the end, I asked for Chicken Ceaser Salad.. :D

Even though I had to go through a difficult time asking Alan to treat me, Rosemary ate 60% of it cos she said it's nice and kept eating it. Then, she bites her ulcer twice~ Muahahahaha! :D Moving on, I was a little bit sad when it was time for closing and I didn't even managed to take any photos so I asked Ethel to take photo with me. In the end, I managed to take with the 2 bosses, Ethel, Rosemary and Fridaus. Justin was there but he went home first.. Gonna bring my polaroid everyday so that when JADEN comes, I can take photo with him! :}

All of the polaroid photos that we took! :D

Don't asked me where the hell I'm looking at as I also don't know where the hell I was looking at.. -.- Rosemary, me and Ethel! :D

Barry, the father of the awesome Jaden! :D
One of the bosses of Fat Boy's~

This criminal faced guy in the middle is ALAN TAN! :}
One of the bosses of Fat Boy's as well!

Rosemary&Ethel :)

Rose and memememe! :}

Fridaus and me! :D

Ethel and me! :)

Rose and Fridaus! :}

After all the photo taking session, I went to have supper with Rose at the nearby hawker center eating place. When we were about to pay for the food, we went: "Oh shit, I don't have money today" -.- We were practically looking for our coins and notes at our wallet. In the end, I paid $3 for the food and Rose paid $1 for the food. For your information, we shared the food. Even though I paid more, I only ate a few spoons of the noodle and the vegetables.. -.-

Yeah, I ate all those vegetables that Rosemary put at the side.. TT_TT

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